French 2, Semester 2; Les Loisirs

Introduction  |   Section 1  |  Section 2  |   Section 3   |  Dictionaries

  Section One:

Part A  |   Part B  |  Part C  |   Part D  |   Part E |   Part F

Section One - Part A

at cafe

Les Spectacles
There are many things that people living in French speaking countries like to do. Eating out, going to theatres, concerts, movies, operas, symphonies, etc., are common activities. In this unit, we are going to learn more about these activities and learn to talk about them.

View Presentation Les Distractions
Regarde la présentation. Clique sur la télé pour voir les distractions qui plaisent aux francophones.

Entraînons-nous un peu. JigwordVocabulary practice

Voilà le vocabulaire dont tu auras besoin. Écris ce vocabulaire dans ton cahier et commence à l'étudier.

Party Opera Restaurant Zoo


Discussion AssignmentGroupe de Communication
Go to Discussion 1a and comment on any of these distractions that you especially like. Write about five or six sentences in French. Use complete sentences when you write and be sure to use vocabulary that we have learned in this course. Ce devoir vaut 12 points.


Est-ce que tu aimes dîner au restaurant? On va parler de la nourriture et des boissons maintenant. Voyons si tu sais ces mots.

Green apple
Steak frites

Before eating, French speakers say "bon appétit"--it's a way of saying "happy eating! or enjoy!" You will want to remember this so that you can say it prior to eating when you are with French friends or even in a French speaking country.

Vocabulary PracticeUnit Vocabulary
All the vocabulary in this unit relates to the general theme of talking about things that are of interest to those in the French world--leisure time activities that people like to take part in. Click on the link below to see and hear all of the vocabulary and sentences you will learn here. As you go through the unit, return to this from time to time to practice this vocabulary.


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