French 2, Semester 2; Les Loisirs

Introduction  |  Section 1  |  Section 2  |  Section 3  |  Dictionaries


Bienvenus à Les Loisirs, Unité Huit!

La qualité de la vie est importante dans les pays francophones. Un des grands plaisirs est de manger un bon repas et de déguster des bons vins. Un repas français consiste d'un hors d'oeuvre, un plat principal, une salade, du fromage, un dessert et un café.

Unité Huit
Congratulations again. Having made it this far, you must be really working. No matter how difficult learning a second language becomes, it is worth it. You open yourself up to all kinds of new opportunities and, in fact, to a whole new world. You must keep in mind that fluency in French (or any foreign language) does not happen over night. It may seem to be a very slow process to you but it is one that is achieved the more you practice and seek ways to use your new skills.

In Les Loisirs, you will:

  1. talk about events you can go to
  2. talk about eating at a restaurant
  3. learn negative expressions
  4. talk about things that please you or that you enjoy
  5. talk about how frequently you do things
  6. talk about when things happen (today, yesterday, tomorrow)

As you work, keep in mind the symbols that will help you to remember what it is you are going to be doing throughout the course. If you have forgotten those, you can look back at them to keep them in mind.

Unit Activities
Below is a list of the various activities in the unit. Though no activities should be skipped, the activities that are listed here are for a grade in the course and the point values are in red.

  1. Section 1, Part A, Groupe de Communication: 12 points
  2. Section 1, Part B, Groupe de Communication: 8 points
  3. Section 1, Part C, TPR Quiz: 15 points
  4. Section 1, Part D, Devoir Oral: 16 points
  5. Section 1, Part E, Devoir Écrit: 20 points
  6. Section 1, Part F, Devoir Oral: 12 points
  7. Section 1 Quiz: 32 points
  8. Section 2, Part B, Devoir Oral: 16 points
  9. Section 2, Part C, Projet: 5 points
  10. Section 2, Part D, Devoir: 16 points
  11. Section 2, Part D, Groupe de Communication: 12 points
  12. Section 2 Quiz: 46 points
  13. Section 3, Part A, Projet, Deadline 2: 5 points
  14. Section 3, Part A, Devoir Écrit: 16 points
  15. Section 3, Part A, Devoir Oral: 12 points
  16. Section 3, Part B, Devoir Écrit: 16 points
  17. Section 3, Part C, Final Projet: 25 points
  18. Section 3 Quiz: 42 points
  19. Unit 3 Exam: 84 points
  20. Unit Listening Exam: 21 points

You should keep in mind that during the course of this unit, Les Loisirs, you should spend time doing the following daily:

  1. Vocabulary activities, drilling vocabulary (flashcards), at least 15 minutes daily.
  2. Practicing any vocabulary from Units you do not feel confident with
  3. At this point you should have developed some tool to help yourself learn the French language when you are not online working. You should either take notes to study later or make lists of vocabulary that you can study or even teach someone else.


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