French 2, Semester 2; Les Loisirs

Introduction  |  Section 1  |  Section 2  |  Section 3   | Dictionaries


This page has several dictionary links from which you can select.

  1. The interactive vocabulary list from the beginning of the unit.
  2. The unit dictionaries have a alphabetized list of the unit vocabulary words in both French to English and English to French.
  3. The cumulative dictionaries have all the vocaulary words from all the units you have completed so far in alphabetical order, both French to English and English to French.

Unit Vocabulary Lists

Unit Dictionaries

Cumulative Dictionaries

French to English Dictionary
Acteur, un Actor
Agréable Pleasant
Année, une Year
Après demain Day after tomorrow, the
Aucun Not a single
Aujourd'hui Today
Avant hier Day before yesterday, the
Baguette, la Long bread
Bal, le Ball, the
Chanteuse, la Singer, the
Cirque, le Circus, the
Clown, le Clown, the
Comédien, le Comedian
Couverts, les Cutlery
Demain Tomorrow
Dessert, le Dessert, the
Dîner, le Dinner
Drôle Funny
Endroit, un Place, a
Fêter Celebrate, to
Flan, le Custard cake
Fromage, le Cheese
Gala, le Elegant party, the
Hier Yesterday
Jamais Never
Jouer un rôle Play a part, to
Mois, un Month
Opéra, l' Opera
Pain, le Bread, the
Parfois Sometimes
Personne No one
Pièce de théâtre, la Dramatic play, the
Plat, un Dish, a
Plusieurs fois Many times
Poisson, le Fish, the
Pomme, la Apple, the
Poulet, du Chicken
Profiter Take advantage of, to
Quelque chose Something
Quelques Some, a few
Quelqu'un Someone
Rien Nothing
Rire Laugh, to
Sandwich, le Sandwich, the
Semaine dernière, la Last week, the
Semaine prochaine, la Next week, the
Souvent Often
Spectacle, le Spectacle, the (show)
Théâtre, le Theatre, the
Toujours Always
Typique Typical


English to French Dictionary
Actor Acteur, un
Always Toujours
Apple, the Pomme, la
Ball, the Bal, le
Bread, the Pain, le
Celebrate, to Fêter
Cheese Fromage, le
Chicken Poulet, du
Circus, the Cirque, le
Clown, the Clown, le
Comedian Comédien, le
Custard cake Flan, le
Cutlery Couverts, les
Day after tomorrow, the Après demain
Day before yesterday, the Avant hier
Dessert, the Dessert, le
Dinner Dîner, le
Dish, a Plat, un
Dramatic play, the Pièce de théâtre, la
Elegant party, the Gala, le
Fish, the Poisson, le
Funny Drôle
Last week, the Semaine dernière, la
Laugh, to Rire
Long bread Baguette, la
Many times Plusieurs fois
Month Mois, un
Never Jamais
Next week, the Semaine prochaine, la
No one Personne
Not a single Aucun
Nothing Rien
Often Souvent
Opera Opéra, l'
Place, a Endroit, un
Play a part, to Jouer le rôle
Pleasant Agréable
Sandwich, the Sandwich, le
Singer, the Chanteuse, la
Some, a few Quelques
Someone Quelqu'un
Something Quelque chose
Sometimes Parfois
Spectacle, the (show) Spectacle, le
Take advantage of, to Profiter
Theatre, the Théâtre, le
Today Aujourd'hui
Tomorrow Demain
Typical Typique
Year Année, une
Yesterday Hier


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