French 2, Semester I; Les Animaux

Introduction  |   Section 1  |  Section 2  |   Section 3   |  Dictionaries

  Section One:

Part A  |   Part B  |  Part C  |   Part D |   Part E |  Part F

Section One - Part F

Vocabulary PracticePractice the comparative forms in these activities.

Word Web

Key ConceptComparatives
Just as in English, there are a couple of comparatives that are irregular.

Le moustique est mauvais. L'araignée est pire.
La vache est bonne. Le papillon est meilleur.


If the adjective is "mauvais" ("plus mauvais") arrow pire
If the adjective is "bon" ("plus bon") arrow meilleur


Writing PracticeAu travail!
Answer the following questions using complete sentences in French. Use comparisons. Click on each question to see the correct response.

1. Le chat est plus gros que le cochon?
2. La mouche est plus belle que l'éléphant?
3. La vache est plus grande que la grenouille?
4. Le cerf est plus rapide que la tortue?
5. Le serpent est meilleur que le poisson?

Discussion ASsignmentLet's talk about these things.
Go to the discussion board and post in French. Compare two people or items in French. Write in complete sentences and make at least five comparisons. Ce devoir vaut 16 points.

tpr Bougeons!
In this section, you will view a presentation and then you need to do the activities that you are asked to do--physically. You may remember that as a small child, you learned actions when you learned the words to many songs. Perhaps you never realized the importance of that activity. When you learn actions as you learn vocabulary, you tend to remember the vocabulary much longer than if you simply learn the words. So, come on....view, then do. This will be an excellent place to return to warm-up for future times that you log in to the course as well. After you finish this presentation, be sure to take the TPR 1F Quiz.

Vocabulary PracticeActivité pour s'entraîner
Take a few minutes to practice the vocabulary and structures you have learned so far in this activity. Speedword


More about Corsica
Though the island of Corsica is only about 180 kilometers from the French Riviera, the two areas are very different. The French Riviera is very developed and urbanized and Corsica is still, in large part, wild.

There are about 260,000 people who live on Corsica and many are involved in the tourism industry in some capacity.


CultureImagine you are going to be in France and you want to visit the island of Corsica. Use these websites to plan a 3-4 day itinerary of what things you would do. Choose a hotel and sites that you would see. You may only spend one day on the beach. Include the prices for how you will get to the island and back to France. Ce devoir vaut 35 points.

There are four deadlines for this project:

  • Brainstorming
  • Outline
  • Rough Draft
  • Final project

The first one is due now--your brainstorming of your research project is due to your teacher (5 points).

When you are ready, you may go on and take the Section 1 Quiz. Then go on to Section 2.

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