French 2, Semester I; Les Animaux

Introduction  |   Section 1  |   Section 2  |   Section 3   |   Dictionaries

  Section One:

Part A  |   Part B  |   Part C  |   Part D  |   Part E  |   Part F   

Section One - Part D

Practice Activité pour s'entraîner
Let's see if you can answer these questions in French. Click on the question to see a correct response.

1. Est-ce que l'éléphant habite dans un arbre?
2. Est-ce que le cerf habite dans le lac?
3. Est-ce que le chien habite dans la ferme?
4. Le papillon habite dans le lac?


Les Animaux Domestiques
As in the United States, it is common in France for people to have a pet. Can you guess what some of the most common pets are in France? If you guess dogs, you are correct, though in some instances, other pets are also common. In many areas, dogs are even allowed in restaurants.

Discussion Activity
Go to the discussion board for Section 1, Part D, and post.Talk about whether you have an animal domestique or not. If you do, describe in as much detail as you can about your animal domestique , including size and color. If you do not, imagine that you want a pet and talk about the pet you would like to have. Ce devoir vaut 8 points.

LIsteningLet's describe the animals
Look at the picture of the animal and click on it to listen to the description of the animal in French. Click on "réponse" to see the written description of the animal.


Elephant réponse
Butterflies réponse
Spider réponse
Pig réponse

Vocabulary Practice

You should remember the adjectives that we learned before. Let's review them in this practice activity to make sure that you are comfortable with them before going on. Jigword

Go on to Part E.

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