AP Statistics
Sections: 1.Introduction  |  2. Data  |  3. Displaying Distributions   |  4. Inspecting Distributions  | 5. Time Plots  |  6. Measuring Center |            7. Measuring Spread  | 8. Linear Transformations |  9. Comparing Distributions



Statistics is the field of study which concerns itself with the art and science of data. Statistics involves planning the experiment, collecting, organizing, and analyzing data. In addition statistics involves interpreting, summarizing and presenting data.

There are two broad areas of statistics: Parametric and Non-Parametric.

  • Parametric Statistics deals with the analysis of population parameters given specific assumptions made about the value of the parameter and the nature of the population distribution from which the sample was drawn. This course will deal will this broad area of statistics.
  • Non-Parametric Statistics deals with the analysis of population parameters but requires no assumptions concerning the population distribution or any specific values of any parameters of that distribution. This course will NOT get involved with non-parametric statistics.

This course is divided into two distinct types of parametric statistics: Descriptive and Inferential.

  • Descriptive Statistics is the organization of raw data (numbers) into tables and graphs.  Also the data is analyzed to find measures of central tendency (averages), measures of dispersion (standard deviation) and the identification of extreme data (outliers).  
  • Inferential Statistics uses the analysis of a sample (part of a population) to make inferences about the mean, median, proportion and standard deviation of a population.  The monthly unemployment figure is an example of inferential statistics.  Based on a sample, part of the population, an inference is made about the proportion of people unemployed in the working force. 

The first part of the course will be spent examining data (Descriptive Statistics). When data is collected it contains information about some group of individuals. The information is organized in variables.


Individuals are the objects described by a set of data. Individuals may be people, but they may be animals or things.  People are called subjects. Animals and things are generally called units.

A variable is any characteristic of an individual. A variable can take different values for different individuals.

Example:  The data collected by your school when students enroll is a collection of statistics. The students are the individuals and variables may include name, age, birth date, gender, GPA, and intended college major.

The above variables are not all the same type. Some are categorical and others are quantitative. Gender and intended college major simply place the individuals into categories. The variables like age and GPA have numeric values for which we can do arithmetic. It makes sense to give an average age or an average GPA whereas we can't give an average gender. We can do counts on categorical variables and then do arithmetic with the counts.


Categorical variable or Qualitative variable: 

Qualitative data is discrete.  It counts how many times an attribute exists.  This attribute is described in words.  There are usually gaps between values.  Fractions are usually not part of qualitative data.  Consider a statistics class of 18 males and 14 females.  Gender is a qualitative variable.  The number of males and females were counted.  It is impossible for there to be 17.2 males and 14.7 females.  The graph for qualitative data will have words on one axis and numbers on the other axis

Quantitative Variable:

Quantitative data can be either discrete or continuous.  When it is discrete, it counts how often some variable occurs.  When it is continuous, it measures how much of a variable exists.  The number of cars on a highway between 7:00 AM and 8:00 AM is an example of  a discrete quantitative variable, and the number of ounces in a cereal box is an example of a continuous quantitative variable.  The quantity of cereal in a 20 ounce box is within a range of 20 ounces, such as 19.8 to 20.2 ounces.  Fractions are part of continuous data.  The graph for quantitative data will have numbers on both axes.

A quantitative variable takes numerical values for which arithmetic operations such as adding and averaging make sense. Quantitative variables can be subdivided into continuous data and discrete data.


  • Continuous data are data that can take on any value. Since age, weight, length, and volume can take on any value, they are considered to be continuous data.

  • Discrete data are data that can NOT take on any value. The score of a basketball game might be 93 to 88 but it cannot be 93.24 to 88.01. The latter values are not allowed for basketball scores. Counts are also discrete data.

Examples of quantitative variables include height, weight, length, volume, and number of M &Ms in a bag.


FUEL-EFFICIENT CARS: Here is a small part of a data set that describes the fuel economy (in miles per gallon) of 1998 model motor vehicles:

Make and Model

Vehicle Type

Transmission Type

Number of Cylinders

City MPG

Highway MPG

BMW 381I






BMW 381I






Buick Century






Chevrolet Blazer

4-Wheel drive





(a) What are the individuals in this data set?

(b) For each individual, what variables are given? Which of these variables are categorical and which are quantitative?


(a) Cars  (b) Vehicle type and transmission type are categorical; number of cylinders, city mpg, and hwy mpg are quantitative.

Try Self-Check 1

A variable generally takes values that vary. One variable may take values that are very close together while another variable takes values that are quite spread out. We say that the pattern of variation of a variable is its distribution.


The distribution of a variable tells us what values the variable takes and how often it takes these values.

Statistical tools and ideas can help you examine data in order to describe their main features. This examination is called exploratory data analysis. Like an explorer crossing unknown lands, we first simply describe what we see. Each example we meet will have some background information to help us, but our emphasis is on examining the data. Here are two basic strategies that help us organize our exploration of a set of data:

• Begin by examining each variable by itself. Then move on to study relationships among the variables.

• Begin with a graph or graphs. Then add numerical summaries of specific aspects of the data.

You are now ready for Statistics Assignment 1: Types of Data and Statistics.


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