AP Statistics
Sections: 1.Introduction  |   2.Data  |   3. Displaying Distributions   |   4. Inspecting Distributions  |  5. Time Plots  |   6. Measuring Center |  7. Measuring Spread  | 8. Linear Transformations |  9. Comparing Distributions



Welcome to the AP Statistics! You are about to embark on a journey that will lead you to an understanding of introductory statistics. Along the way you learn how to organize data, produce data, draw conclusions based on data, and look at elementary probability. The course will be filled with examples and activities. Hopefully you will enjoy the journey. 

-         When you hear that “4 out of 5 dentists prefer a certain type of toothpaste”, do you ask how the data was collected? Did the surveyor only asked 5 dentists? Was the survey conducted by the company that made this particular toothpaste? Did the salesman pass out free samples of the brand in question to 5 dentists? When you hear results of surveys sometimes the data collection method is not mentioned. In this course you will learn how to collect and report data.

-         Did you know that airlines purposely overbook flights? Airlines will overbook flights based on a probability model. Using past data they have a good idea what percentage of people will show up for the flight. You will learn how to make this type of calculation in this course.

-         Do you know what is meant by a “standardized” test score? You will learn how scores are standardized and how to interpret their meaning.

-         Does eating chocolate cause acne? Cause and effect relationships will be examined in this course. You will learn about correlation between variables in this course. You will also learn about the pitfalls of correlation as well. 

To get started on the journey click on Data above.

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