German 2, Semester 2; Das Haus

Introduction  |   Section 1  |   Section 2  |   Section 3  |   Dictionaries

  Section Two:

Part A  |   Part B  |   Part C  |   Part D  |  

Section Two - Part D

Das Projekt

In Unit Six, you are going to prepare a project about your own home. You will describe in detail at least five rooms in your house in a photo essay. You will write at least six sentences about each room that you describe and you need to include a picture--this does not have to be a picture of your actual home but it should be representative of your written description. Keep in mind the following when you are doing this project:

  • Five rooms
  • Six sentences about each room
  • Picture that matches written description
  • Talk about the furniture in each room and describe it as you are able.
  • Talk about what you do in these rooms of your home.
  • You may present this either in a Word document or in power point.

There will be four deadlines for this project:

  1. Ideas for project         (5 points)
  2. Outline                      (5 points)
  3. Rough Draft               (5 points)
  4. Final project               (20 points)

The third deadline is due now. Das ergibt 5 Punkte.

Wiederholung: Die Perfekt

Do you remember that we learned to talk about actions in the past in German 2a? Let's review some of the Perfekt past tense forms here so we can continue talking about things we did last week or last year.

Heute lerne ich Deutsch. (Today I study German.)

Gestern habe ich Deutsch gelernt. (Yesterday I studied German.)

Ich schreibe heute. (I write today.)

Ich habe gestern geschrieben. (I wrote yesterday.)

Er macht die Tür auf. (He opens the door.)

Er hat die Tür aufgemacht. (He opened the door.)

Did you remember. . .

arrowVerbs like schreiben and bleiben simply change the vowel pair to 'ie' in the past participle:

schreiben - geschrieben bleiben - geblieben

arrowVerbs that indicate forward movement or state of being use SEIN as their helping verb:

Er geht. - Er ist gegangen. Ich komme. - Ich bin gekommen.

arrowVerbs that have a separable prefix like auf-, ab-, zu-, aus- break off from the main part of the infinitive and "sandwich" the ge of the participle between the two parts:

aufmachen - aufgemacht aufräumen - aufgeräumt

Practice changing these sentences from present to past tense. Write the past tense form in your notebook, then click on the sentence to check your work.

Heute Gestern
1. Ich spreche Deutsch.
2. Du trinkst Milch.
3. Sie kocht Abendessen.
4. Ich lese ein gutes Buch.
5. Wir schwimmen im Sommer.
6. Ich arbeite am Wochenende.
7. Schreibst du Deutsch?
8. Thomas singt gern.
9. Wir machen um drei Hausaufgaben.
10. Maria geht heute zur Schule.
11. Kauft ihr ein neues Auto?
12. Ich spiele gern Volleyball.

You are now ready for the Section Quiz.

When you are done, go on to Section Three.

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