German I, Semester 2, Das Essen

Introduction  |   Section 1  |   Section 2  |   Section 3   |   Dictionaries

Section Three:

Part A  |   Part B  |   Part C  |   Part D

Section Three - Part B

Project AssignmentWie geht's mit dem Projekt?
How's it going with your project on der Schwarzwald?

Remember, you are to include the following information:

  • Location of der Schwarzwald
  • Where it gets its name
  • Information about at least two topographical areas (mountains, rivers, waterfalls, valleys, etc.)
  • Famous products of the area (food, beverages, handicrafts, etc.)
  • Folk costumes of the area
  • What tourists should see and do in the area.
  • At least one well-known legend or story from the area.
  • You need to have an original essay of at least 200 words (in English).
  • You are to find at least 6 pictures relating to der Schwarzwald and make a picture essay complete with captions about what you find. You may include one historical person in your picture essay.

The four deadlines:

Deadline 1: What you know already and ideas for finding information for the project. This is like brain storming; full sentences are not required. (5 points)
Deadline 2: Your detailed outline of the information you find (10 points)
Deadline 3: Your rough draft (5 points)
Deadline 4: The final project (written essay and picture essay). (30 points)

The final project (written essay and picture essay) is due now. Diese Aufgabe hat 30 Punkte.

Recycle Information"Ei" vs. "-ei"

You had the vocabulary item das Ei in this Unit, but you've also seen food-related words ending in the suffix -ei (Metzgerei, Bäckerei, Konditorei). Do they have anything to do with each other? NO! The most obvious proof is that all the words ending in the suffix -ei are feminine (die-words) -- and we already know that compounds take the gender of their last part. So if -ei had anything to do with "egg," they'd all be neuter (das-words).

When the suffix -ei is added onto a word for a profession, it indicates the place where that person works. A butcher works in a Metzgerei, a baker works in a Bäckerei, and a pastry chef (Konditor) works in a Konditorei.

So if you were walking down the street and saw these signs, what kind of businesses do you think they would be? Try to guess. Dann klicke auf das Deutsche und du siehst das Englische.


Bet you did great! You can try to make up your own "businesses" if you know the word for the profession. You might come up with a non-existent word, but you'll probably be understood -- and appreciated for trying!

Schriftliche Wiederholung
As we begin to wind down the unit, let's review vocabulary. Beantworte die Fragen mit ganzen Sätzen auf Deutsch. Dann klicke auf die Frage und du siehst eine richtige Antwort. Your answers may vary, but if you have a serious question, ask your teacher. If you have problems with some of these, you should go back through the unit to find that section and do some additional practice.

1.Was isst du in einem Schnellimbiss?
2. Wer deckt den Tisch bei euch?
3.Was isst du zum Frühstück?
4. Was trinkt dein Vater zum Frühstück?
5. Wer wäscht das Geschirr bei euch?
6. Deine Familie geht ins Restaurant. Wer bezahlt die Rechnung?
7. Wie sagt man, "Keep the change"?
8.Was brauchst du für die Suppe (zum Essen)?
9. Was brauchst du für den Salat (zum Essen)?
10. Was sind sechs Beispiele (examples) von Obst?
11. Was sind drei Beispiele von Fleisch?
12. Was gibt es in einem Salat?
13. Wie heißt die Mahlzeit am Abend?
14. Was ist ein Beispiel von einer salzigen Speise?
15. Was ist ein Beispiel von einer süßen Speise?
16. Was ist ein Beispiel von einer scharfen Speise?
17. Was ist dein Lieblingsmittagessen?

 Discussion Assignment

Diskutieren wir
Geh zum schwarzen Brett und stell mindestens vier Fragen mit Vokabeln von dieser Lektion. Beantworte auch zwei Fragen von einem anderen Schüler. (Ask at least four questions using this unit's vocabulary and respond to two posts by some other student.) If there are no other posts at this point, visit the area later to respond to two questions. Diese Aufgabe hat 16 Punkte.

Go on to Part C.

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