Section Three - Part A
Das Abendessen
The third meal of the day in German speaking countries is called das Abendessen. It is sometimes called das Abendbrot, because it often consists of sandwiches, perhaps with soup or salad or yogurt. Dessert is rare; if there is anything sweet, it is usually fruit. Das Abendessen is normallly not the largest meal of the day, although when people go out for dinner they have a full meal. Restaurant prices are generally higher in the evening, just as they are here, and there may be a wider selection on the menu, since people have the time to wait for more specialties to be prepared.
Üben, üben, üben
Let's see if you can identify vocabulary from this unit based on clues given in German. Read the description and identify the vocabulary item being described. You may see some unfamiliar words, but try to understand the meanings from context. Kicke auf das Deutsche und du siehst die Antwort.
If you are not able to do an activity such as the one above, go back and practice the vocabulary more. Have you written your unit vocabulary in your notebook? Have you done the activities many times? If you struggle with new material, it is probably because you lack the vocabulary. Remember that it is recommended that you practice your vocabulary at least fifteen minutes daily.
Mehr Übung
Do this practice activity to see if you have a good grasp on the accusative forms of dieser, welcher, and jeder along with these vocabulary words.
Schriftliche Aufgabe
Prepare this assignment for your teacher. You are given a situation and a question to answer. Use complete German sentences and list as many items as possible in your answer. For example, if you are asked what you need for studying, you might say "I need a book, a pen, paper, a notebook and a dictionary," but in German, of course. Diese Aufgabe hat 24 Punkte.
- Du willst den Tisch decken. Was brauchst du?
- Du willst einen Salat zubereiten. Was brauchst du?
- Du willst ein großes Frühstück essen. Was isst du?
- Du willst ein Mittagessen machen. Was machst du?
- Du willst etwas Süßes essen. Was isst du?
- Du willst viel Obst essen. Was isst du?
- Du hast viel Durst. Was trinkst du?
- Du gehst zum Schnellimbiss. Was kaufst du?
A wonderful way to study vocabulary is to practice it in several ways. Use these vocabulary flashcards to practice the vocabulary from Unit 8.
Go to Part B.