German I, Semester 2, Das Essen
Sections: Introduction  |   Section 1  |   Section 2  |   Section 3   |   Dictionaries
Section Two: Part A  |   Part B  |   Part C  |   Part D  |   Part E   |   Part F

Section Two - Part A

Key ConceptsIn einem Restaurant
When visiting another country, you'll almost certainly go to a restaurant, and the customs can be different. Study these two sites carefully before going on:

(Note: Germany now uses the Euro instead of the Mark.)

Writing PracticeSchriftliche Übung

Using what you learned from the web sites, write English answers to these questions, then submit them to your teacher. Diese Aufgabe hat 12 Punkte.

  1. How do you ask if you can join people at a table?
  2. Explain how you pay the bill in a German restaurant.
  3. What did you learn about dogs?
  4. What do people say before beginning to eat?
  5. What do you say to call the waiter over?
  6. What is a Ratskeller?

You will want to know how to order your meal in a restaurant. Learn the following words and phrases so that you will be prepared to do just that.

Ich hätte gern I would like
Ich möchte I would like
Ich nehme I'll take
Möchten Sie bestellen? What would you like to order?
die Rechnung bezahlen to pay the bill
Das stimmt. keep the change
bringen to bring
der Kellner/die Kellnerin the waiter / waitress
die Speisekarte the menu
die Spezialität the house specialty
Es hat (gut) geschmeckt. It tasted (very) good.


Vocabulary Practice

Click here to do this activity to practice this new vocabulary. Speedword

Schriftliche Übung

Du bist in einem Restaurant. Was sagst du in diesen Situationen? Schreib deine Antworten. Dann klicke auf die englische Situation und du siehst eine richtige Antwort. Wenn (if) du andere Sätze hast, frag den Lehrer, ob (whether) sie richtig sind.

You would like to see the menu.
You would like to order the house specialty.
You would like to order water.
You would like to order Wiener schnitzel.
You would like to order chicken with carrots.
You would like to order a soda.
You do not want dessert.
You would like the check.
You want to pay the bill.
You want to say you liked the food.

Project AssignmentWie geht's mit dem Projekt?
How's it going with your project on der Schwarzwald?

Remember, you are to include the following information:

  • Location of der Schwarzwald
  • Where it gets its name
  • Information about at least two topographical areas (mountains, rivers, waterfalls, valleys, etc.)
  • Famous products of the area (food, beverages, handicrafts, etc.)
  • Folk costumes of the area
  • What tourists should see and do in the area.
  • At least one well-known legend or story from the area.
  • You need to have an original essay of at least 200 words (in English).
  • You are to find at least 6 pictures relating to der Schwarzwald and make a picture essay complete with captions about what you find. You may include one historical person in your picture essay.

The four deadlines:

Deadline 1: What you know already and ideas for finding information for the project. This is like brain storming; full sentences are not required. (5 points)
Deadline 2: Your detailed outline of the information you find (10 points)
Deadline 3: Your rough draft (5 points)
Deadline 4: The final project (written essay and picture essay). (30 points)

The rough draft (deadline 3) is due now. Diese Aufgabe hat 5 Punkte.

Now go on to Part B.

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