Sections: |
Introduction | Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 3 | Dictionaries |
Section Two: |
Section Two - Part B Lesestück. Verstehst du diesen Text? Heute habe ich Geburtstag und meine Eltern und ich gehen in ein Restaurant zum Mittagessen. Wir sitzen um einen runden Tisch. Der Kellner bringt die Speisekarten und Vati bestellt die Getränke: "Für meine Frau einen Weißwein und für meinen Sohn eine Cola. Für mich ein Bier, bitte." Dann bestellen wir das Essen. Alles schmeckt sehr gut. Wenn wir fertig sind, kommen meine zwei besten Freunde durch die Tür. Mein Vater sagt: "Heute hast du Geburtstag. Ihr dürft alle einen Nachtisch bestellen." Die anderen bestellen ein Eis, aber ich bestelle ein Stück Erdbeertorte. Der Kellner fragt:"Mit oder ohne Sahne (whipped cream)?" Ich sage: "Ohne Sahne, bitte. Ich bin allergisch gegen Sahne." Dann gehen wir alle nach Hause. Ich möchte meinem Onkel von meinem Geburtstagsessen erzählen (tell), aber ich muss bis an den Abend warten. Er arbeitet am Nachmittag. Can you guess the new words? Click on the German to see if you are right.
Accusative Prepositions Prepositions are words (or phrases) that show the relationship between two things. Often they show "where" something is (against , beside, next to, in front of, around) or "when" (until , before, after). A "prepositional phrase" consists of a preposition and the noun or pronoun that follows it. German prepositions fall into groups depending on which case is used following them. The group we are looking at now is called the "accusative prepositions," because the noun or pronoun they precede is always in accusative form. Tip: English prepositions have many meanings, depending on the context. So in trying to find the correct German preposition, it is extremely important to think of meaning. The following words are all spelled alike, but their meaning in the sentences is quite different. Since we translate meanings, not spellings, you should not expect to use the same German word for each of them.
The book is on the table. Please be on time. Who was waiting on you at the corner? Who was waiting on you when you bought that? Is the light switch on? And, in reverse, you shouldn't expect a given German preposition to be translated the same way all the time. For example, the basic meaning of "gegen" is "against," but when used in "allergisch gegen" we would say "allergic to" in English. The German word "durch" normally means "through," but when talking about meat in a restaurant it means "well done" (i.e. cooked through). So be very careful with prepositions; they are the hardest words to translate because they have so many different meanings. Here, however, are the basic (most common) meanings of the accusative prepositions:
Schriftliche Übung
Mehr Übung Click here to practice these prepositions. SpeedWord Schriftliche Aufgabe. Prepare this assignment to turn in to your teacher. Write four German sentences telling things that you order in a restaurant and for whom. (Example: I order a salad for my mother.) Use vocabulary that we have learned in this course. Diese Aufgabe hat 16 Punkte. |
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