German I, Semester 2, Das Essen

Introduction  |   Section 1  |   Section 2  |   Section 3   |   Dictionaries

  Section Two:

Part A  |   Part B  |   Part C   |   Part D   |   Part E   |   Part F

Section Two - Part E

Key ConceptDer Schnellimbiss
Fast food


You can certainly find American style fast food restaurants in Germany. There are links for German McDonald's, Burger King, KFC, and Pizza Hut in section 3D. However, the stereotype of Germans eating sausages comes largely from their own kind of fast food place. The Schnellimbiss is a stand that usually sells sausages, french fries, soft drinks, and beer, although some may sell fish sandwiches and potato salad (Kartoffelsalat) or pizza. There is also the Stehcafe, usually a place where you can get a cup of coffee (and maybe a simple pastry) and stand at a small, tall table. Sometimes a Schnellimbiss will have tables where you can stand also. Then there is the Eiscafe mit Strassenverkauf, an ice cream parlor with a counter or window facing the street, where you can get a cone without going inside.

Of course, it's also important to know what you're ordering. The three main kinds of sausage are: the Bratwurst (grilled sausage), Bockwurst (boiled, more like a long hot dog), and Currywurst (a Wurst served with a ketchup/curry sauce). When you order a sausage you may be asked: "Mit Brot?" because you may pay a bit more if you get bread or a roll. The Ketschup and Senf (mustard) are often out for self service. The paper tray holding the sausage may have a part to tear off and use to hold the sausage if you don't get bread. Pommes (the short way of saying french fries) may come with a tiny plastic fork. People used to eat Pommes mostly with Mayonnaise (4 syllables, the -e is pronounced), but Ketschup is now more common. (Don't be surprised if you have to pay extra for Ketschup at McDonald's.)

The fish sandwiches may have poached or grilled fish, not just fried. The Kartoffelsalat is usually a simple mixture of potatoes and mayonnaise. The so-called "German potato salad" we sometimes see here is more likely to be made at home rather than sold as fast food. To see all about fish, go to the web site of one of Germany's largest fast food fish restaurant chains:

Then there's the Eis! Germany has both the rich, creamy kind of ice cream and the Italian-style, which is a bit more like sherbet. You pay by the scoop (die Kugel), and in most places the scoops are quite small (more like golf balls than tennis balls), so you can try several of the new flavors!

Döner Kebab

Der Döner (or: Döner Kebab / Döner Kebap)

Germany's economic revival has made it a magnet for foreign workers, especially those from the Mediterranean area, and these new residents have brought their traditional foods with them. Greek, Yugoslavian, and Turkish restaurants can be found all over the country, and a major new "fast food" has appeared. It is called der Döner Kebab, but most people just say "der Döner." (After all, if you want fast food, why waste time saying a longer name?) It comes from Turkish words meaning "rotating roast" and is similar to the Greek Gyro. Originally it was made strictly with lamb or mutton, but now you can also find beef or even poultry as the meat. The fast food version is usually served in a pita bread with a cucumber sauce and lots of vegetables: onion, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, and red cabbage. It usually takes both hands, maybe a fork, and lots of napkins to finish one. Ein Döner schmeckt prima. Probier mal einen!

Key Concept

So, what kinds of foods can we eat at a "Schnellimbiss"? Let's see here....

French fries
fish sandwhich
ice cream cone
potato salad


Speaking Assignment

Mündliche Aufgabe
Prepare a recording telling your teacher at least four foods you like to order at a Schnellimbiss or other fast food place. Use complete sentences and vocabulary that you have been learning in this course. Diese Aufgabe hat 12 Punkte.

Go on to Part F.

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