German I, Semester 1; Die Uhrzeit

Introduction  |   Section 1  |  Section 2  |   Section 3   |  Dictionaries

  Section One:

Part A  |   Part B  |  Part C  |   Part D  |   Part E  |   Part F

Section One - Part F

Small Words
In composing sentences in a foreign language, we see lots of small words that seem to be insignificant. Looking at the sentences that were in Part E:

Ich bin in der Bank.
Die Frau ist im Blumenladen.
Der Mann ist im Krankenhaus.
Die Frauen sind im Musikgeschäft.
Du bist in der Apotheke.

The little words we need to focus on now are in bold above. Both in der and im mean "in the." Look at the nouns that follow them. Can you make up a rule for when to use each? If you said that "in der is used before die-words (feminine) and im is used before der- and das-words," you are right! This is one reason why the gender (der, die, das or masculine/feminine/neuter) is such an important part of learning German nouns. See if you can remember whether the following should have in der or im. Click on the word in bold to see the correct answer.

Ich bin Cafe.
Paul ist Bibliothek.
Wir sind Park.
Die Kinder sind Schule.
Du bist Kirche.
Ihr seid Museum.

Discussion Activity

Writing Assignment

Go to the discussion area and write where you are on four different days of the week. You should use "in der" or "im " in your statements. Also ask two questions of your classmates, inquiring where they are on different days, and respond to at least one question while you are there. Use what you have learned in this course and write in complete sentences. If there are no other posts at this time, return to the discussion board to respond at a later time. This assignment is worth 12 points.

Practice Activity
Practice the forms of "lesen, nehmen, and laufen" in this activity. JigWord 3

Music of all kinds (folk, classical, pop) is an important part of Swiss life. Children learn to play the recorder at an early age, and music plays a sizable role in the schools. Less common types of music come especially from the mountain areas, where the winters are long and communication has not always been easy. Both yodeling and the playing of an alphorn (about 11 feet long and made from a hollowed out pine log) were originally means to get messages from one alpine pasture to another. Both take great skill, and today they are used to entertain locals and tourists alike.

You should review all of the material in this section and then you are now ready for the Section 1 Quiz.

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