German I, Semester 1; Die Uhrzeit

Introduction  |   Section 1  |  Section 2  |   Section 3   |  Dictionaries

  Section One:

Part A  |   Part B  |  Part C  |   Part D  |   Part E |   Part F

Section One - Part C

tprLos geht's!
Remember that for the Los geht's! sections, you are to view, listen, then do. Act out these activities, and your comprehension will increase. This would be an excellent activity to come back to again later as well. After you have viewed the presentation, be sure to take the TPR 1C Quiz.

Vocabulary PracticeYou should have practiced the vocabulary many times so that by now you are becoming familiar with what the words mean in German. If you have not, please do go back to Section 1, Part A and do that some more before you go on. Practice the question words and other new vocabulary here. Matchword 1.

key conceptSein
Since sein (to be) is the most important verb in the language but also the most irregular, let's do some review. See if you can fill in the chart.

Sein = to be
I am we are
you (familiar sg.) are you (familiar, pl.) are

he is

they are

she is

you (formal) are

it is


Writing Practice

Writing Practice Activity

Now let'spractice telling where various people are. Answer the questions using the appropriate pronouns and the cues given.
1. Wo ist Peter? (im Schwimmbad)
2. Wo sind die Frauen? (im Blumenladen)
3. Wo bist du? (auf dem Markt)
4. Wo ist der Mann? (in der Bibliothek)
5. Wo seid ihr? (im Museum)
6. Wo bin ich? (im Krankenhaus)

Vocabulary Practice

Remember that these are the kinds of activities that you can do over and over again--just refresh the page and you can try your hand at them again. You are encouraged to do these over again on different days to see how you are retaining the information you are learning. Get more practice with sein and its forms in this practice activity. Speedword 2

Speaking AssignmentSpeaking Assignment
After you have practiced this vocabulary and the verb sein sufficiently, choose the names of five people--they could be people you really know or imaginary people. Say that each one of them is in a different location in a town. Record this and submit it to your teacher. Use German that you have used in this course and speak in complete sentences. This assignment is worth 16 points.



Bern, the federal capital and also the capital of Switzerland's second largest Kanton (state), is claimed by both the German and French speaking Swiss as "theirs." It is surrounded on three sides by the Aare River, which provided excellent defense in earlier times. The city was named for bears found there, and one of the most popular attractions is the Bärengraben, a deep circular pit in which bears have lived (and entertained visitors) since 1480. Photographed probably equally often are the many colorful fountains, most of which were carved by the same man and are about 450 years old.

Now go on to Part D.

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