Was machst du hier? In this practice activity, you are going to look at the picture and then say what you are doing there. If you find an activity such as this one challenging, you probably need to give more time to the Unit vocabulary.
Ich nehme Geld aus der Bank.
Ich kaufe Blumen im Blumenladen.
Ich spreche mit der Ärztin im Krankenhaus.
Ich kaufe eine CD im Musikgeschäft.
Ich schicke einen Brief bei der Post.
Ich kaufe Medizin in der Apotheke.
Practice with those sentences above even further and see now if you can say that "Der Mann" is doing them in place of yourself. Then try "Der Mann und die Frau".
Stem-changing verbs
Let's practice these some more by answering the following questions, using the appropriate pronouns in the answers.
How did you do? If this was at all difficult, go back and review these verbs in Section 1-B.
Writing Assignment Prepare this written assignment for your teacher. Answer each of the following questions in complete sentences in German that you have learned in this course. This assignment is worth 16 points.