German I, Semester 1; Die Uhrzeit

Introduction  |   Section 1  |  Section 2  |   Section 3   |  Dictionaries

  Section Three:

Part A |   Part B  |  Part C  |   Part D

Section Three, Part A


More about Switzerland
Most people think of mountains when they hear "Switzerland," and perhaps you've heard of the distinctly shaped Matterhorn or the ski resorts at St. Moritz and Davos. However, the Berner Oberland has some of the most breath-taking scenery in the country. Here you find the triple giants: Eiger, Mönch, and Jungfrau, each over 4000 meters high. The Jungfrau at 4158 meters (13,642 feet) is the tallest, and the network of mountain trains ends at the Jungfraujoch, the highest train station in Europe. This ride to the "Top of Europe" is considered by many to be the culmination of a trip to Switzerland, but with all the means of Alpine transportation (trains, cable cars, funiculars, busses, and -- of course -- feet or skis) you can get fantastic views from many, many places! For more information, see Section 3-D.

Writing Practice

Writing Practice
Let's see if we can practice our clothing items, saying we have, perhaps, ridiculous numbers of these items. Click on each item to see if you are correct.

42 blouses
37 socks
29 shoes
54 umbrellas
68 raincoats
83 t-shirts
95 dresses
40 pants

Graded ASsignment


Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow. Use complete sentences to answer the questions and German that you have learned in this course. The words that you do not know are marked and are glossed beneath the reading. This assignment is worth 16 points.

Ich heiße Heidi Schmidt. Ich wohne in Winterthur, in der Schweiz°. Samstags arbeite ich morgens viel im Supermarkt. Ich arbeite gern im Supermarkt. Es gibt° immer° viele Personen° und ich spreche gern mit vielen Personen. Um drei Uhr nachmittags bin ich im Restaurant mit Susanne und Marie und wir essen und sprechen viel. In der Schule sprechen wir nicht viel. Wir lernen viel in der Schule.

  1. Wo wohnt sie?
  2. Wo arbietet sie?
  3. Wann arbeitet sie?
  4. Warum ist sie gern im Supermarkt?
  5. Wo ist sie samstags um drei Uhr nachmittags?
  6. Was macht sie?
  7. Wer ist im Restaurant mit Heidi?
  8. Warum sprechen sie nicht viel in der Schule?

ºin der Schweiz, in Switzerland; ºes gibt, there are; ºimmer, always; ºviele Personen, many people

Speaking Activity
Listen to the above paragraph several times. When you feel comfortable with it, record yourself saying it and submit it to your teacher for a grade. This assignment is worth 8 points.


A wonderful way to study vocabulary is to practice it in several ways. Use these vocabulary flashcards to practice the vocabulary from Unit 4.

Go to Part B.

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