Section Three: Part C
We are winding down the unit and soon you will be ready for the Unit Exam. In order to prepare, answer these questions. Click on the question to see the correct response and be sure to go back and review any areas that you have problems with. As with all of these self-check activities, if you reload the page, you will be able to try them again if you didn't do well.
Wo ist Andreas? Warum?
We need to know where Andreas is and why. Andreas is at each of the places pictured, and you must say where he is and what he is doing there. This is an oral activity. Compose your sentences and then send your recording to your teacher. Use complete sentences. Remember: You are not talking about yourself now. In each sentence, you are talking about Andreas. This assignment is worth 20 points.
Once you feel that you have practiced these concepts sufficiently, you are ready to take the Section 3 Quiz and then the Unit 3 Exam. Part D has additional resources. |