German I, Semester 1; Die Uhrzeit

Introduction  |   Section 1  |  Section 2  |   Section 3   |  Dictionaries

  Section One:

Part A  |  Part B  |  Part C  |   Part D  |   Part E  |   Part F

Section One - Part E

In Part C we reviewed the verb sein. Now let's review the second-most important verb in German: haben.

Do you remember the forms? See if you can fill in the chart.

ich wir
du ihr
sie (pl)
sie (sg)
Sie (formal)

Practice Activity
Practice the forms of "haben" in this activity. Achtung! The forms of "sein" are mixed in also. Speed Word 3

Swiss Craftsmanship

The Swiss are known worldwide for their timepieces, cheese, and chocolate, but a trip to Switzerland would not be complete without a visit to one of the many craft shops or markets, where you can find items of exceptional quality. If you want to bring home a useful present, try the fabulous textiles: lace, embroidery, or knitted items -- as well as tables linens of a more homespun variety. If you prefer something more decorative, look for things carved out of wood: figures, plates, boxes, or cookie molds.

Don't expect them to be cheap. Quality comes with a price.

Practice Activity
In the activity below, choose the correct form of "sein" and then put it in the blanks. After you have finished, you can click on the subject to see if you are using the correct form.

bank Ich bin in der Bank.
flower shop Die Frau im Blumenladen.
hospital Der Mann im Krankenhaus
music store Die Frauen im Musikgeschäft.
post office Wir bei der Post.
pharmacy Du in der Apotheke.

More Practice
How did you do? Here is an additional practice activity that will help you remember the forms of haben and sein. Matchword 2

Speaking Activity
After you have practiced "sein" and are comfortable with it, prepare this speaking assignment to turn in to your teacher. Prepare 4 sentences saying where you and others are located in the city. Be sure to use a different form of sein in each sentence. This assignment is worth 8 points.

Go on to Part F.

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