French 2, Semester 2; Les Loisirs

Introduction  |   Section 1  |  Section 2  |   Section 3   |  Dictionaries

  Section Three:

Part A |   Part B  |  Part C  |   Part D

Section Three - Part C

We are winding down the unit and soon you will be ready for the Unit Exam. In order to prepare, answer these questions. Click on the question to see the correct response and be sure to go back and review any areas that you have problems with. As with all of these self-check activities, if you reload the page, you will be able to try them again if you didn't do well.

I never go to the zoo.
I am going to the circus the day after tomorrow.
My family is going out to eat.
I like typical French food.
No one eats fish.
We often eat cheese.
The cassoulet and coq au vin are delicious.
Can I get you anything else?
How much is it?

What would you like to eat?
What would you recommend?
There is nothing on the table.
They are going to the theater tomorrow.
They studied yesterday.
Next week, we are going to a dance.
Does anyone like to dance?

Culture projectLe Projet
In this unit, we have learned about a variety of forms of entertainment enjoyed in the French speaking world. There are some games and activities that are very typical of France. In this project, however, you are going to research the castles in France.

You should have a 200 word essay (in English) and you may want to use the following websites or others. You will need to find a picture of the castle you choose and you will need to write a basic description of the castle in French as a caption. This is in addition to the 200-word essay in English.

You will need to find information about the group of people responsible for building the castle and also some general history of the time period.

There are three deadlines to this project:

  • Deadline 1: Idea and brainstorming for your research (5 points)
  • Deadline 2: outline/rough draft (10 points)
  • Deadline 3: Final research project (20 points)

Turn this assignment in at Projet 3C.

Graded AssignmentThis assignment is worth 35 points. Deadline 3 is due now.

Test approachingOnce you feel that you have practiced these concepts sufficiently, you are ready to take the Section 3 Quiz and then the Unit 3 Exam. Section 3D contains additional resources.

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