French 2, Semester I; La Description

Introduction  |  Section 1  |  Section 2  |  Section 3   | Dictionaries


This page has several dictionary links from which you can select.

  1. The interactive vocabulary list from the beginning of the unit.
  2. The unit dictionaries have a alphabetized list of the unit vocabulary words in both French to English and English to French.
  3. The cumulative dictionaries have all the vocaulary words from all the units you have completed so far in alphabetical order, both French to English and English to French.

Unit Vocabulary Lists

Unit Dictionaries

Cumulative Dictionaries

French to English Dictionary
Allé Gone (past participle, aller)
Allemand German
Américain American
Anglais English (British)
Bête Dumb
Brun Brunette
Bu. Drank (past participle, boire)
Canadien(ne) Canadian
Chinois, chinoise Chinese
Connu Knew (past participle, connaître)
Content Content
Cubain Cuban
Déprimé Depressed
Dit. Said (past participle, dire)
Du. Should (past participle, devoir)
Écrit. Written (past participle écrire)
Ennuyeux Bored
Espagnol Spanish
Faible Weak
Fatigué Tired
Fort Strong
Français French
Furieux Mad
Gros Fat
Heureux, Heureuse Happy
Inquiète Worried
Intelligent Smartest, the
Irrité Irritated
Italien Italian
Japonais, japonaise Japanese
Lu. Read (past participle Lire)
Mal organisé Unorganized
Mexicain Mexican
Mince Thin
Organisé Organized
Plein Full
Portoricain Puerto Rican
Propre Clean
Pu. Could (past participle, pouvoir)
Sal Dirty
Tranquille Tranquil, Calm
Vide Empty
Voulu Wanted (past participle, Vouloir)


English to French Dictionary
Italian Italien
American Américain
Bored Ennuyeux
Brunette Brun
Canadian Canadien(ne)
Chinese Chinois, chinoise
Clean Propre
Content Content
Could (past participle, pouvoir) Pu.
Cuban Cubain
Depressed Déprimé
Dirty Sal
Drank (past participle, boire) Bu.
Dumb Bête
Empty Vide
English (British) Anglais
Fat Gros
French Français
Full Plein
German Allemand
Gone (past participle, aller) Allé
Happy Heureux, Heureuse
Irritated Irrité
Japanese Japonais, japonaise
Knew (past participle, connaître) Connu
Mad Furieux
Mexican Mexicain
Organized Organisé
Puerto Rican Portoricain
Read (past participle Lire) Lu.
Said (past participle, dire) Dit.
Should (past participle, devoir) Du.
Smartest, the Intelligent
Spanish Espagnol
Strong Fort
Thin Mince
Tired Fatigué
Tranquil, Calm Tranquille
Unorganized Mal organisé
Wanted (past participle, Vouloir) Voulu
Weak Faible
Worried Inquiète
Written (past participle écrire) Écrit.


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