French 2, Semester I; La Description

Introduction  |  Section 1  |  Section 2  |  Section 3  | Dictionaries


Cumulative French to English Dictionary

Allé Gone (past participle, aller)
Allemand German
Allumettes, les Matches, the
Américain American
Anglais English (British)
Araignée, l' Spider, the
Arbre, l' Tree, the
Attendu Attendre, past participle
Aussi….que As…as
Bateau à voile, un Sailboat, a
Bateau, un Boat, a
Bête Dumb
Bois de chauffage, le Firewood, the
Bouche, la Mouth, the
Bras, le Arm, the
Brosse à dents, la Tootbrush, the
Brun Brunette
Bu. Drank (past participle, boire)
Camper Camp, to
Canadien(ne) Canadian
Canne à pêche, une Fishing pole, a
Ce This, that
Cerf, le Deer, the
Ces These, those
Cet This, that
Cette This, that
Champs,le Field, the; country, the
Chasser Hunt, to
Chat, le Cat, the
Cheval, le Horse, the
Chien, le Dog, the
Chinois, chinoise Chinese
Choisi Choisir, past participle
Cochon, le Pig, the
Collectionner les pièces Collect coins, to
Collectionner les timbres Collect stamps, to
Conditionneur, le Conditioner, the
Connu Knew (past participle, connaître)
Consultation, la Doctor's visit, the
Content Content
Coq, le Rooster, the
Corps, le Body, the
Coude, le Elbow, the
Court, le Court, (playing), the
Cubain Cuban
Dehors Outdoors
Dentifrice, le Toothpaste, the
Dents, les Teeth, the
Déprimé Depressed
Dit. Said (past participle, dire)
Doigts de pied, les Toes, the
Doigts, les Fingers, the
Dos, le Back, the
Du. Should (past participle, devoir)
Écrit. Written (past participle écrire)
Écureuil, l' Squirrel, the
Éléphant, le Elephant, the
Ennuyeux Bored
Entendu Entendre, past participle
Espagnol Spanish
Estomac, le Stomach, the
Été Étre past participle
Éternuer Sneeze, to
Être en train de To be doing something (in the process of doing something)
Eu. Had (past participle, avoir)
Examiner Examine, to
Faible Weak
Faire de la natation Practice swimming, to
Faire de la voile Sail, to
Faire du ski Ski, to
Faire du surf Surf, to
Faire une collection de timbres Collect stamps, to
Fait Done (past participle, faire)
Fatigué Tired
Ferme, la Farm, the
Fini Finir, past participle
Fort Strong
Français French
Furieux Mad
Genou, le Knee, the
Girafe, la Giraffe, the
Glace, la Mirror, the
Grenouille, la Frog, the
Grimper une montagne Climb mountains, to
Gros Fat
Heureux, Heureuse Happy
Inquiète Worried
Intelligent Smartest, the
Irrité Irritated
Italien Italian
J'adore I love
Jambes, les Legs, the
Japonais, japonaise Japanese
Jouer au golf Play golf, to
Jouer au tennis Play tennis, to
Jouer du piano Play the piano, to
Jouer du tambour Play the drums, to
Jungle, la Jungle, the
La Her, it
Lac, le Lake, the
L'activité Activity, the
Le Him, it
Les Them
Lézard, le Lizzard, the
Lit, le Bed, the
Lu. Read (past participle Lire)
Lui To him, to her, for him, for her
Maigri Maigrir, past participle
Mains, les Hands, the
Mal organisé Unorganized
Malade Sick
Mangé Manger, past participle
Maquillage, le Make-up, the
Me Me, to me
Me Me, to me
Me passionne Fascinates me
Me rend malade Disgusts me
Meiller de, le Best of, the
Meilleur Better
Mexicain Mexican
Mince Thin
M'intèresse Interests me
Miroir, le Mirror, the
Mis Put (past participle, mettre)
Moins….que Less….than
Monter à cheval Ride horse, to
Mouche, la Fly, the
Moustique, le Mosquito, the
Mouton, le Sheep, the
Nez, le Nose, the
Nos Us, to us
Nous Us, to us
Oeil, le Eye, the
Oiseau, l' Bird, the
Ordinance, l' Prescription, the
Oreille, l' Ear, the
Organisé Organized
Ours, l' Bear, the
Papillon, le Butterfly, the
Parlé Parler, past participle
Passeport, le Passport, the
Passetemps, le Pasttime, the
Peigne, le Comb, the
Perroquet, le Parrot, the
Pied, le Foot, the
Piqûre, la Shot, the
Pire Worse
Planche, une Surfboard, a
Plâtre, un Cast, a
Plein Full
Plus intelligent de., le Smartest, the
Plus….que More…than
Poisson, le Fish, the
Portoricain Puerto Rican
Poule, la Hen, the
Propre Clean
Pu. Could (past participle, pouvoir)
Quel Which
Quelle Which
Quelles Which
Quels Which
Rendu Rendre, past participle
Réveil, le Alarm, the
Rhume, un Cold, a
Sac de couchage, un Sleeping bag, a
Sal Dirty
S'amuser Enjoy onself, to
Santé, la Health, the
S'asseoir Seat oneself, to (sit down)
Savon, le Soap, the
Se baigner Bathe oneself, to
Se brosser Brush ones hair, to
Se brosser les dents Brush one's teeth, to
Se coiffer Comb one's hair, to
Se coucher, Go to bed, to
Se laver Wash oneself, to
Se lever Get up, to; Stand up, to
Se maquiller Put make-up on oneself, to
Se mettre Put on one's clothing, to
Se peigner Comb one's hair, to
Se réveiller Wake up, to
Séchoir à cheveux, le Hairdryer, the
Serpent, le Snake, the
Serviette, la Towel, the
S'essuyer Dry oneself, to
S'habiller Dress oneself, to
Shampooing, le Shampoo, the
Singe, le Monkey, the
Sport, le Sport, the
Taureau, le Bull, the
Te You, to you
Tente, une Tent, a
Terre, la Earth (land), the
Tête, la Head, the
Tortue, la Turtle, the
Tousser Cough, to
Tranquille Tranquil, Calm
Vache, la Cow, the
Valises, les Suitcases, the
Vendu Vendre, past participle
Vide Empty
Voulu Wanted (past participle, Vouloir)
Vous You all, to you all, you, to you
Vu. Seen (past participle, voir)
Yeux, les Eyes, the


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