Welcome educators! Please click a link to display information and links for administrators, counselors, teachers, and facilitators.
Welcome Educators!

Welcome Facilitators

As an onsite classroom facilitator, you will have a significant impact on the success of your students and the virtual learning program at your school. Your responsibilities will be many, but training provided by regional ACCESS support centers will enable you to adequately meet responsibilities related to handling technical issues, using the learning management system, receiving virtual learning courses, and managing a distance learning classroom. In addition to clarifying your responsibilities, this manual identifies both general policies for this program and policies for students enrolled in ACCESS courses.
Welcome Teachers

We welcome teachers with a passion for education, open to new perspectives and a genuine commitment to putting students first. We look forward to talking with you and thank you for your interest in ACCESS Virtual Learning.
C A S T (Connecting Access Staff and Teachers)
You must have a Schoology account to access any of the features mentioned below. To access your Schoology account, log in at https://alsde.schoology.com .
Inside the new just-in-time professional learning site, teachers can find the following informational and tutorial items:
- Open-source technology information
- Supplemental reading and interesting links for virtual learning tips
- Help Center with Schoology user guides, video tutorials, and FAQS
- Schoology Groups chat rooms for teachers and staff only
- Discussion boards and content-specific blogs
- Content-specific group collaborative tools
- ACCESS training courses for teachers and facilitators
- Outside online training opportunities
- Ongoing professional learning modules
- ACCESS global announcements
- ACCESS teacher profiles
- Public Resources for teacher-to-teacher sharing
Did you know the SDE offers one-hour online professional learning activities for ACCESS teachers?
Various learning sessions will be offered throughout the academic year.
Sessions will be offered via ZOOM and WebEx with links provided on each session enrollment page.
Searching and Registering for Courses: Navigate to alsde.truenorthlogic.com. Once logged in, you will be directed to the home page. To search for a course, click on the Courses tab at the top of the page. Use the Course Search channel to find a course by course #, section #, course description, or keyword. You may also use the ACCESS Virtual Learning tab. Once you have found the course you would like to attend, select from the desired Sections, and click Register.
Recorded Session Instructions: Log into your Schoology account, go to the ALSDE Teaching and Learning Platform. Look for the word Courses at the top of the page, click it and you will see a tile for ACCESS Professional Development. Click on it, and you can access folders with recordings and quizzes.
Note: Returning ACCESS teachers must participate in two ACCESS PD sessions over the academic year and new teachers must participate in six ACCESS PD sessions over the academic year.
If you have any questions concerning CAST, please contact Regina White.
Welcome Administrators and Counselors

Welcome to the world of virtual learning with ACCESS. With a vision for providing equal access to high-quality instruction and a wide range of course options, ACCESS (Alabama Connecting Classrooms, Educators, and Students Statewide) is having a positive impact on students throughout Alabama. We are pleased that you have chosen to join the increasing number of high schools in Alabama that are participating in the ACCESS program—bringing a variety of Advanced Placement, core, dual enrollment, and elective courses to students in all areas of the state. Your participation will open doors of opportunity for your students and assist us in making the goals of ACCESS a reality.