Contact Us
Click on a county on the map to view the ACCESS VL support information for that county. Each of the eleven regions is supported by a dedicated ALSDE staff member (contact information located to the left of the screen when clicking on a county).
Three support centers also serve regions in North, South, and Central Alabama and should be contacted for information regarding these aspects of the program.
Be sure to click on the Support Center name (support center contact information is located on the right of the screen when clicking on a county) to link to the website for further contact information.
ACCESS Virtual Learning
5351 Gordon Persons Building - P.O. Box 302101
Montgomery, AL 36130-2101
Program Administrator:
Steve Blair, 334-694-4642
AP Course Audit Administrator/AP Coordinator:
Allyson Craddock, 334-694-4646
Region ALSDE Contact
Troy University ACCESS Support Center
Troy University ACCESS Support Center
Troy University ACCESS Support Center
Troy University ACCESS Support Center
University of Alabama ACCESS Support Center
Madison City Schools ACCESS Support Center
University of Alabama ACCESS Support Center
Madison City Schools ACCESS Support Center
Madison City Schools ACCESS Support Center
Madison City Schools ACCESS Support Center
Regional Support Center
Madison City Schools
University of Alabama
Troy University