German I, Semester I; Das Wetter

Introduction  |   Section 1  |  Section 2  |   Section 3   |  Dictionaries

  Section Two:

Part A |   Part B  |  Part C  |   Part D

Section Two: Part D

Vocabulary Practice
Click to do this practice activity to make sure you are comfortable with your new verbs.
Speedword 3

Asking questions in German
Questions that ask for specific information usually start with an interrogative pronoun, or “question word” (who, what, where, when, why, etc.). You have already practiced asking questions like this:

Wie heißt du? What is your name?

Wo wohnst du? Where do you live?

Was machst du gern? What do you like to do?

Questions that require only a “yes” or “no” answer use what is called an inverted word order , which simply means that the subject and verb switch positions so that the verb starts the sentence.

Wohnt er in Chicago? Does he live in Chicago?

Gehst du gern einkaufen? Do you like to go shopping?

Spielt Gabi gern Tennis? Does Gabi like to play tennis?

Siehst du am Abend fern? Do you watch TV in the evening?

What do you notice about the English sentences that the German sentences don't have? That's right—the helping verb ‘do!' There's no need to add an extra verb like we do in English. Isn't it nice when German makes things easy like that?

You should also note that separated prefixes (fern) and the non-conjugated verb in a set of two (einkaufen) still go to the end of the sentence. Nothing changes other than the subject and verb positions.

Writing Activity for PracticePractice Activity
Look at each picture and then write that the people mentioned in the boxes above the pictures do the pictured activity. Click on each subject pronoun when you have finished to see if you are accurate. You also need to use the correct German word for each activity. If these are not becoming familiar to you, you should go back and review them.

1. Wir 1. Sie (they) 1. Ich 1. Er
2. Sie (she) 2. Helmut 2. Du 2. Du
3. Ich 3. Karl und ich 3. Julia 3. Meine Freunde und ich
cooking park watch tv


Homework Activity
Writing Assignment
Prepare this activity for your teacher. Imagine you are conversing with a friend. Your friend asks you questions and you need to respond. Answer in complete sentences with more than just “yes” or “no.” You may respond creatively but pay close attention to the verbs and use what you have learned in this course. This assignment is worth 20 points.

Dein Freund: Lernst du gern Deutsch?
Du: (you write your response here in each case)
Dein Freund: Hast du Schule gern?
Dein Freund: Was machst du gern am Wochenende?
Dein Freund: Was trägst du heute?
Dein Freund: Trägst du kurze Hose im Winter?
Dein Freund: Mähst du den Rasen im Sommer?
Dein Freund: Gehst du manchmal mit Freunden ins Kino?
Dein Freund: Wohin reist du gern? *(Use ‘nach’ for ‘to’)
Dein Freund: Hast du einen Job?
Dein Freund: Siehst du gern Fern? Was siehst du gern?


Click here to practice these activities. JigWord 4

repeatSpeaking Assignment
Prepare a recording for your teacher telling your teacher at least eight activities that you do and either say how you do them (well or not well) or how often you do them (a lot or a little). Use complete sentences in German and use vocabulary that you have learned in this course. This assignment is worth 16 points.

You are now ready for the Section 2 Quiz. Prepare! You're About to Take a Test!

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