German I, Semester I; Das Wetter

Introduction  |  Section 1  |  Section 2  |  Section 3 Dictionaries


This page has several dictionary links from which you can select.

  1. The interactive vocabulary list from the beginning of the unit.
  2. The unit dictionaries have a alphabetized list of the unit vocabulary words in both German to English and English to German.
  3. The cumulative dictionaries have all the vocaulary words from all the units you have completed so far in alphabetical order, both German to English and English to German.

Unit Vocabulary Lists

Unit Dictionaries

Cumulative Dictionaries

German English
Anzug, der (-``e) the suit
Bluse, die (-n) the blouse (woman's)
den Rasen Mähen to mow the lawn
Die Sonne scheint. The sun is shining.
einkaufen gehen to go shopping
Eislaufen gehen to go ice skating
Es friert. It's freezing.
Es regnet. It's raining.
Es schneit. It's snowing.
fernsehen to watch TV
Fernseher, der (-) the TV set
fotografieren to take a photograph
Freunde besuchen to visit friends
frieren to freeze
Frühling, der the spring
Gitarre, die (-n) the guitar
Grad, der the degree (temperature)
Gürtel, der (-) the belt
haben to have
Handschuh, der (-e) the glove
heiß hot
Hemd, das (-e) the shirt (man's)
Herbst, der the fall, autumn
Hose, die (-n) the trousers, pants
ins Kino gehen to go to the movies, cinema
Jacke, die (-n) the jacket
Jahreszeit, die (-en) the season (nature)
Jeans, die (-) the jeans
kalt cold
kaufen to buy
Kino, das (-) the movie theater, cinema
Kleid, das (-er) the dress
Kleidung, die (plural) the clothing
kochen to cook
kühl cool
kurze Hose, die the shorts
lesen to read
manchmal sometimes
Mantel, der (``) the coat
Pullover, der (-) Pulli, der (-s) the sweater
radfahren to ride a bike
Regen, der the rain
Regenmantel, der (``) the raincoat
Regenschirm, der (-e) the umbrella
reisen to travel
Rock, der (-``e) the skirt
Sandalen, die (plural) the sandals
Schal, der (-e) the scarf
schlecht bad
Schnee, der the snow
schön beautiful, pretty, nice
Schuh, der (-e) the shoe
sehr very
sein to be
singen to sing
Skateboard fahren to ride a skateboard
skifahren to snow ski
Socke, die (-n) the sock
Sommer, der the summer
Sonne, die the sun
Sonnenbrille, die (-n) the sunglasses
sonnig sunny
spazieren gehen to go for a walk, stroll
spielen to play
Stiefel, der (-) the boot
telefonieren to phone, talk on the phone
Tshirt, das (-s) the t-shirt
wann when (time reference)
warum why
was what
wer who
Wetter, das the weather
wie how
Wie ist das Wetter? How is the weather?
Wie ist die Temperatur? What is the temperature?
wie viele how many
wieviel how much
Wind, der the wind
windig windy
Winter, der the winter
wo where
woher where from
wohin where to
Wolke, die ( -n) the cloud
wolkig cloudy


English German
the suit Anzug, der (-``e)
the blouse (woman's) Bluse, die (-n)
to mow the lawn den Rasen Mähen
The sun is shining. Die Sonne scheint.
to go shopping einkaufen gehen
to go ice skating Eislaufen gehen
It's freezing. Es friert.
It's raining. Es regnet.
It's snowing. Es schneit.
to watch TV fernsehen
the TV set Fernseher, der (-)
to take a photograph fotografieren
to visit friends Freunde besuchen
to freeze frieren
the spring Frühling, der
the guitar Gitarre, die (-n)
the degree (temperature) Grad, der
the belt Gürtel, der (-)
to have haben
the glove Handschuh, der (-e)
hot heiß
the shirt (man's) Hemd, das (-e)
the fall, autumn Herbst, der
the trousers, pants Hose, die (-n)
to go to the movies, cinema ins Kino gehen
the jacket Jacke, die (-n)
the season (nature) Jahreszeit, die (-en)
the jeans Jeans, die (-)
cold kalt
to buy kaufen
the movie theater, cinema Kino, das (-)
the dress Kleid, das (-er)
the clothing Kleidung, die (plural)
to cook kochen
cool kühl
the shorts kurze Hose, die
to read lesen
sometimes manchmal
the coat Mantel, der (``)
the sweater Pullover, der (-) Pulli, der (-s)
to ride a bike radfahren
the rain Regen, der
the raincoat Regenmantel, der (``)
the umbrella Regenschirm, der (-e)
to travel reisen
the skirt Rock, der (-``e)
the sandals Sandalen, die (plural)
the scarf Schal, der (-e)
bad schlecht
the snow Schnee, der
beautiful, pretty, nice schön
the shoe Schuh, der (-e)
very sehr
to be sein
to sing singen
to ride a skateboard Skateboard fahren
to snow ski skifahren
the sock Socke, die (-n)
the summer Sommer, der
the sun Sonne, die
the sunglasses Sonnenbrille, die (-n)
sunny sonnig
to go for a walk, stroll spazieren gehen
to play spielen
the boot Stiefel, der (-)
to phone, talk on the phone telefonieren
the t-shirt Tshirt, das (-s)
when (time reference) wann
why warum
what was
who wer
the weather Wetter, das
how wie
How is the weather? Wie ist das Wetter?
What is the temperature? Wie ist die Temperatur?
how many wie viele
how much wieviel
the wind Wind, der
windy windig
the winter Winter, der
where wo
where from woher
where to wohin
the cloud Wolke, die ( -n)
cloudy wolkig





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