Practice Oral
In this practice activity, you're going to hear a recording and decide what it is telling you. Click on "Écoute" to listen to the recording and prepare your response. Then, click on "réponse" to see the correct response.
Review d'Unité 5 We are finishing another unit. The last one of this semester! Do the following activity to see if you aready for the exam. If you have problems, return to the sections in the Unit to do more practice with the concepts.
Say that you did these activities in the images yesterday.
J'ai campé hier.
Je suis monté à cheval hier.
J'ai écrit hier.
J'ai mangé hier.
Now, say that your parents did these activities yesterday.
Mes parents ont ramé hier.
Mes parents ont dormi hier.
Given the picture, describe how the person is.
La femme est irrité.
La femme est fatiguée.
L'homme est déprimé.
Le garçon est malade.
Elle est inquiète.
Il est très heureux.
Il est très content.
Elle est très heureuse.
Now, give the nationality of each person according to the country of origin that you see.
Once you feel that you have practiced these concepts sufficiently, you are ready to take the Section 3 Quiz and then the Unit 3 Exam. Section 3D contains additional resources.