French I, Semester 2, Les Activités

Introduction  |   Section 1  |   Section 2  |   Section 3   |   Dictionaries

  Section One:

Part A  |   Part B  |   Part C  |   Part D  |   Part E   |   Part F   |   Part G

Section One - Part G

Key ConceptLes Jeux
Many like to do other kinds of activities--games and such. Here are some games you might like to play.

les échecs
les dames
les jeux de table
Board Game
les cartes

Of course, some other vocabulary you might also want to review in order to talk about the activities you like to do and games you play are....

Writing PracticeAsk the following people if they do the activity shown. Write in complete sentences in your notebook and then click on each picture when you have finished to see if you are correct.

Paul Cards
Gustave Chess
Julie et Sylvie Board games
Michèle Piano
Julien Guitar
Marc Volleyball


Vocabulary Practice Practice de Vocabulaire
Practice all of your Section 1 vocabulary in this activity. JigWord


Writing AssignmentTable de Communication
Go to the discussion board and write about what games you like to play. Write about with whom you play these games and how frequently. What is your favorite game? Who wins? Who loses? Write at least four sentences. This assignment is worth 12 points.

When you have practiced Section One sufficiently, you may go take the Section One quiz. Then continue working in Section Two.

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