French I, Semester 2, Les Activités

Introduction  |   Section 1  |   Section 2  |   Section 3   |   Dictionaries

  Section One:

Part A  |   Part B  |   Part C  |   Part D  |   Part E   |   Part F   |   Part G

Section One - Part E

Key ConceptJouer à un sport
We know how to say the names of various sports. Let's learn how to say that we play them. To say we play a sport, we use the verb "jouer." Jouer is a regular -er verb in French.

jouer--to play a sport or game
je joue nous jouons
tu joues vous jouez
joue ils


When jouer is followed by the name of a sport or game, it is always followed by "à" first.

Je joue aux sports.

Je joue au tennis.

Tu joues au volley.

Jouer is used for playing sports or games, or a musical instrument. When we talk about playing a musical instrument, however, we say jouer de.

Je joue de la guitare.

Il joue du piano.

Vocabulary Practice

Practice this vocabulary in this practice activity. WordWeb

Writing PracticePractice
Look at the picture and say that the person plays that sport. Click on the picture to see the answer.

Les garçons


KEy conceptsQuand?
When you talk about sports and activities that you like to do, you will want to say how frequently you do these things or when you do them. Here are some vocabulary words that will help you learn to say these things. Make note of these words in your notebook and begin learning them.

du matin in the morning
de l'après-midi in the afternoon
du soir in the evening
avant before
après after


toujours always
jamais never
quelquefois sometimes
plusieurs fois many times
trois fois three times
tous les jours every day


Vocabulary Practice

Practice your new vocabulary words in this activity. JigWord

Written AssignmentTable de Communication
Go to the Discussion Board and talk about what sports you play and how often and/or when you play them. Do you play a musical instrument? Do you play the piano or the guitar? If so, express this. If not, write about someone you know that does. Write at least three complete sentences in French using what you have learned in this course. This assignment is worth 12 points.

Avance à la Partie F.

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