German 2, Semester 2; Das Freizeitangebot

Introduction  |   Section 1  |   Section 2  |   Section 3   |   Dictionaries  |   Verb Chart

  Section Three:

Part A  |   Part B  |   Part C  |   Part D

Section Three - Part B

Graded Assignment Schriftliche Aufgabe
Beantworte jede Frage mit einem ganzen deutschen Satz und mit Vokabeln von dieser Lektion. Diese Aufgabe hat 16 Punkte.

  1. Gehst du lieber ins Theater oder zum Fussballspiel?
  2. Wer spielt eine Rolle in einem Drama? Wo?
  3. Wo gibt es viele Tiere?
  4. Wer erzählt viele Witze?
  5. Wer singt in einer Oper?
  6. Was machen die Zuschauer, wenn sie den Clown sehen?
  7. Was gibt es in einem Zirkus?

More Vocabulary Practice
In addition to the vocabulary flashcards in Section 3, Part A, you should spend time going through the other vocabulary activities that are in the unit. You can also go back to the other sections to do the other activities again in review.


graded assignment Das Projekt

You've reached the final websearch! Do you feel like a Fußball expert yet? Now it's time to tie everything together with a soccer tour around Germany! 30 Punkte

You will pick your three “favorite” German teams and travel to their home cities to see a game and take in other sites that the city/area has to offer.

Getting Started: Go to the official Bundesliga site at  Click on Clubs & Players in the left navigation box.

1) How many teams are in Germany’s top Bundesliga? ______________
2) Select three teams whose cities you would like to visit on your travels and write them here:
            _______________      _______________      _______________
Now select three alternate cities as backup, in case any of the three above do not have home games during the week you are traveling:
            _______________      _______________      _______________
3) Go back to the left navigation box and click on “Matchday & Fixtures.”  You will see the current day’s matches/results as well as a drop-down menu to select different dates.  Search for the dates (within a 1-2 week time period) on which three of the teams you selected above have home games. 
For each of the three teams, record the following information:

  • Team name
  • Opponent
  • Game date (Remember day/month order!) 
  • Game time

4) Now it’s time to find out more about the cities you will be visiting for each of the games!  Go to and click the interactive map on the left side.
Find your city on the map. You will notice, as you float your mouse over the blue & white squares, that a city name pops up. Click on the appropriate square to go to the city site. *(Please note:  It’s possible that a city you selected based on its game schedule does not have a blue & white information square on the map. If this should happen, please go back and select one of your alternates.)
When you click on the city icon, you will see a short summary about the city, followed by a listing of “Other Areas of Interest.” For each of the cities you visit, you will keep a travel journal that includes information on any five (5) of the following:

  • Permanent Exhibitions
  • Shopping
  • Places of Interest
  • Art & Culture
  • Museums
  • Nature & Greenery
  • Food & Drink 
  • In addition, you need to include pictures relevant to at least three (3) of your chosen areas. 

Use the following table to organize your ideas: 

Game Date


Name of Team:




Starting Time:




City :


Area #1:  ______________


Area #2:  ______________


Area #3 _______________


Area #4 _______________


Area #5 _______________  

Auf Wiedersehen und viel Spaß!

Teil C.

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