German I, Semester I; Das Wetter

Introduction  |   Section 1  |  Section 2  |   Section 3   |  Dictionaries

  Section Three:

Part A |   Part B  |  Part C  |   Part D

Section Three: Part C

Homework ActivityWriting Assignment
In this writing assignment, you are going to create a conversation between two people--but you are both people. Write 10 lines of a conversation in German. You must ask at least 4 questions and answer them as if you were the other person. Each line of conversation must have at least 4 words. This assignment is worth 20 points.

German Poetry
Let's wrap up our study of das Wetter with a traditional children's poem about the four seasons. You should recognize many of the words.


Es war eine Mutter, There once was a mother
die hatte vier Kinder, who had four children,
den Frühling, den Sommer, the springtime, the summer,
den Herbst und den Winter. the fall and the winter.
Der Frühling bringt Blumen, The springtime brings flowers,
der Sommer den Klee, the summer the clover,
der Herbst, der bringt Trauben,

the fall, it brings grapes

der Winter den Schnee.

the winter the snow.

Click here to listen to the poem. Once you have listened to it a few times, and practiced a few times until you feel comfortable with it, record yourself saying it and submit it to your teacher for grading. This assignment is worth 8 points.


Lesestück auf Deutsch

Read the selection in German and then try answering the questions. Click on each question to see if you have responded correctly. There may be small words in bodies of text that you do not know the meaning of. Try your best to figure out their meaning based on the context of the words around them that you do know. Being able to understand the “gist”, or general meaning of a text without knowing every single word is an important skill to develop in any language. Looking every word up in a dictionary can really slow you down!

Ich heisse Sophie Frisch, und ich wohne in Berlin. Ich gehe Montag bis Freitag ins Gymnasium. Am Wochenende gehe ich in die Stadt. In der Stadt gibt es viel zu tun. Ich gehe ins Kino oder in den Zoo. Meine beste Freundin, Katrin, wohnt in Prenzlauerberg, und ich wohne in Schöneberg. Das ist weit! Ich bin siebzehn, und Katrin ist fünfzehn. Ich fahre mit dem Fahrrad im Sommer zur Katrin, aber ich fahre mit der U-bahn im Winter und im Frühling. Es regnet oft im Herbst und im Winter, aber der Sommer ist meistens schön. Katrin und ich gehen heute einkaufen. Es ist sehr kalt, und es schneit!

1. Wie heisst das Mädchen?
2. Wo wohnt sie in Berlin?
3. Wie heisst Sophies beste Freundin?
4. Wie alt ist Sophie?
5. Wie fährt Sophie zur Katrin im Winter?
6. Was machen Sophie und Katrin heute?
7. Wie ist das Wetter heute?
8. Was macht Sophie am Wochenende?

Once you feel that you have practiced these concepts sufficiently, you are ready to take the Section 3 Quiz and then the Unit 3 Exam.

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