French 2, Semester I; Les Animaux

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Cumulative French to English Dictionary

Araignée, la Spider, the
Arbre, le Tree, the
Aussi….que As…as
Brosse à dents, la Tootbrush, the
Ce This, that
Cerf, le Deer, the
Ces These, those
Cet This, that
Cette This, that
Chat, le Cat, the
Cheval, le Horse, the
Chien, le Dog, the
Cochon, le Pig, the
Conditionneur, le Conditioner, the
Coq, le Rooster, the
Dentifrice, le Toothpaste, the
Écureuil, le Squirrel, the
Éléphant, le Elephant, the
Être en train de To be doing something (in the process of doing something)
Ferme, la Farm, the
Girafe, la Giraffe, the
Glace, la Mirror, the
Grenouille, la Frog, the
Jungle, la Jungle, the
Lac, le Lake, the
Lézard, le Lizzard, the
Lit, le Bed, the
Maquillage, le Make-up, the
Meilleur Better
Miroir, le Mirror, the
Moins….que Less….than
Mouche, la Fly, the
Moustique, le Mosquito, the
Mouton, le Sheep, the
Oiseau, le Bird, the
Ours, le Bear, the
Papillon, le Butterfly, the
Peigne, le Comb, the
Perroquet, le Parrot, the
Pire Worse
Plus….que More…than
Poisson, le Fish, the
Poule, la Hen, the
Quel Which
Quelle Which
Quelles Which
Quels Which
Réveil, le Alarm, the
S'amuser Enjoy onself, to
S'asseoir Seat oneself, to (sit down)
Savon, le Soap, the
Se baigner Bathe oneself, to
Se brosser Brush ones hair, to
Se brosser les dents Brush one's teeth, to
Se coiffer Comb one's hair, to
Se coucher, Go to bed, to
Se laver Wash oneself, to
Se lever Get up, to; Stand up, to
Se maquiller Put make-up on oneself, to
Se mettre Put on one's clothing, to
Se peigner Comb one's hair, to
Se réveiller Wake up, to
Séchoir à cheveux, le Hairdryer, the
Serpent, le Snake, the
Serviette, la Towel, the
S'essuyer Dry oneself, to
S'habiller Dress oneself, to
Shampooing, le Shampoo, the
Singe, le Monkey, the
Taureau, le Bull, the
Terre, la Earth (land), the
Tortue, la Turtle, the
Vache, la Cow, the


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