Section One - Part D
Reflexive Verbs
Notice that some of the reflexive verbs have other special circumstances. Some are irregular but for the most part they are regular verbs that simply have to be used with the reflexive pronouns. They are generally listed in dictionaries with the "se" in front of the verb. As such, they must be used reflexively.
se réveiller |
to wake up |
se coucher |
to go to bed, to lie down |
s'amuser |
to enjoy oneself, to have fun |
s'habiller |
to dress onself |
Activités pour s'entraîner
Practice manipulating these verbs in this activity. Word Web
Au travail!
See if you can make a sentence using these subjects and verbs. Click on the verb to see the correct verb.
À réviser "Quelle heure est-il?"
Let's review talking about what time of day it is. Look at the clocks and see if you can respond to the questions.
Remember that in order to add minutes to the time, we simply say the time as above and "dix," for example, for ten after the hour. There are special expressions for the quarter and half hours. Observe et écoute:
In this section of each unit, you are going to view a presentation and then you will hear instructions given to you that you should do. Science has proven that the more of your senses that are engaged in an activity, the more learning takes place. Doing these activities as you are asked to do will help you to internalize the meanings of the words and will also sharpen your listening skills. So, listen and then do what you are asked to do. The exercises may seem repetitive, but remember....repetition is the key. when you finish with this presentation, be sure to take the TPR 1D Quiz.
Now go on to Part E.