French 2, Semester I; La Routine

Introduction  |   Section 1  |   Section 2  |   Section 3   |   Dictionaries

  Section One:

Part A  |   Part B  |   Part C  |   Part D  |   Part E

Section One - Part C

Ta Routine Read and Learn About Some Cultural Aspect

Parlons de ta routine. Let's talk about your daily routine. View the presentation to learn how you can talk about the things you do in a typical day.

Vocabulary practicePractice your new vocabulary words here before we go on.

Key ConceptLes Verbes
You will remember that we use verbs to talk about what actions we do. The verbs that we will use to talk about our daily routine are slightly different than most that we have worked with. Look at the vocabulary pictures in the table and see if you can recognize anything different about them as you begin to learn their meanings.

Wake up Stand up Washes hands Bathe
Le garçon se baigne.
Girl washes Comb hair Combs hair Gets dressed
Brushes teeth Dries off Put on make-up Goes to bed
Enjoy Puts on shoes Dries hair Has fun

You learned one of these kinds of verbs early on. "Je m'appelle ...." is one of these. These verbs are called reflexive. The subject (je, tu, il, etc.) does the action to himself in these verbs. You must use both parts of these verbs. Let's look at "se laver."

se laver = to wash oneself
je me lave nous nous lavons
tu te laves vous vous lavez

elle se lave

elles se lavent

Regardless of whether these are -er, -ir, or -re verbs, they all require the use of the reflexive pronoun if they are used reflexively (the subject is doing the action to himself).

Now go on to Part D.

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