French 2, Semester I; La Routine

Introduction  |   Section 1  |  Section 2  |   Section 3   |  Dictionaries

  Section One:

Part A  |   Part B  |  Part C  |   Part D |   Part E 

Section One - Part A

Orange, France

Roman Arch in Orange

In the present-day city of Orange, France, in the region of Provence, we can see that the Romans marked their territory here in the past. This city, in the valley of the Rhône river, was built by the Romans in the first century B.C. This Triumphal Arch, also dating back to the first century B.C., stands in Orange making the town's history part of their present. The city also has a Roman ampitheatre which is still in use today. You can read more about Orange here.

Welcome to a second year of French study! Before we jump in to new information, take some time to organize your study habits for this course.

  • If you did not take the first year of this course, begin to make a list of vocabulary that is new to you and find a way to study this vocabulary as you work through the course.
  • Make a study journal that you can write notes in that you can use when you are outside of our class time together.
  • Stay in frequent communication with your teacher to ensure the best success for this course. When there are areas or material that you have not had, be sure to let your teacher know so that you can get some additional help for those areas.

Discussion Assignment

  • Discussion Board
    Go to the Discussion Board and introduce yourself in French to the class. Tell us...
  • Your name
  • Where you are from
  • What your first year of French was like
  • A brief description of yourself

Ce devoir vaut 12 points.

Practice Activity

D'autres mots apparentés
Cognates are the words that look similar to words in another language. Learning these patterns of cognates can be very helpful and you can add to your vocabulary very quickly if you learn how these work. In this course we will learn a new group of cognates in each unit, just as in the second semester of French 1.

Many words that end in -fy in English generally end in -ifier in French. Observe:

identify identifier
justify justifier

See if you can identify the following in French.


Let's review the cognate patterns that you had last semester. Identify the words below in French.


In summary...

Words that end in -tion (in English) arrow -tion (in French).
Words that end in -ist (in English) arrow -iste (in French).
Words that end in -ty (in English) arrow -té (in French).
Words that end in -ate (in English) arrow -er (in French).
Words that end in -ic (in English) arrow -ique (in French).

Now go on to Part B.

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