French I, Semester I; Les Couleurs

Introduction  |   Section 1  |   Section 2  |   Section 3   |   Dictionaries

  Section One:

Part A  |   Part B  |   Part C  |   Part D   |   Part E  |   Part F

Section One - Part D

Key ConceptDeux ou plus = pluriel

In addition to having to make adjectives and nouns "agree" (be the same form as) each other in gender (masculine/feminine), adjectives in French must also indicate the same number (singular/plural) as the nouns they describe.

tvView the presentation to see how you make adjectives plural.


practiceAu Travail! Write this exercise in your notebook.

The following sentences are given in the singular. Make them plural. Click on each one to see if you are correct.

Le garçon est grand.
La jeune femme est jolie.
L'homme est intelligent.
Le garçon est faible.
L'amie est blonde.
L'ami est timide.
Je suis intelligente.
La femme est brune.


gameGet additional practice in this activity.


You see in French when one part of a sentence is plural, the whole sentence may be affected.

Graded Assignment

Writing Assignment

For this writing assignment, you are going to see words out of order and perhaps not in the correct form you will need for the sentence. Make a correct sentence using all elements that you are given.

1. être/monsieur/grand/mince/et
2. et/petit/être/la fille/brun
3. gros/grand/et/être/les hommes
4. intelligente/la femme/être
5. être/blond/les amies
6. être/nous/roux
7. intelligent/tu/être
8. je/intelligent/une étudiante/être

This assignment is worth 20 points.

cultureThe political situation in Ivory Coast

flag of Ivory CoastUntil 1999, Ivory Coast was the world's largest cocoa producer and the model of political and social stability in Africa. President Félix Houphouet-Boigny (who built the Yamassoukro Basilica you may remember from Unit 1), maintained good relations with the West from the time he took office - when the country gained its independence from France - to when he died in December 1993. The falling world market prices for Ivory Coast's primary export crops of cocoa and coffee put economic pressure on the government. On December 24, 1999, it experienced its first coup d'état, and then another one on January 7, 2001, when heavy fighting broke out between rebels and the government troops. 2005 has been relatively quiet, but volatile. About 10,000 UN and French peacekeepers are patrolling the buffer zone between the rebel-run north and the government-held south to try to keep the country at peace.


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