French I, Semester I; Les Couleurs

Introduction  |   Section 1  |   Section 2  |   Section 3   |   Dictionaries

  Section One:

Part A  |   Part B  |   Part C  |   Part D  |   Part E  |   Part F

Section One - Part A

View PresentationLes personnes

Everyone likes to talk about other people. View this presentation to learn some new words we can use to talk about other people.

This is a list of your new vocabulary. Have you already guessed their meanings? Click on the words to see their English equivalents.

grand; grande
petit; petite
gros; grosse
brun; brune
blond; blonde
roux; rousse
intelligent; intelligente
fort; forte
joli; jolie
laid; laide


Practice your new vocabulary that you viewed in the presentation in this practice activity.



key conceptHow to talk about yourself

You might want to use some of these new words to describe yourself. Click on the sentence to listen to how you would describe yourself.

blonde man brunette man red headed man
blonde woman brunette woman red headed woman
strong man weak man
tall man
strong woman weak woman tall girl
fat man smart


fat woman

smart girl

Je suis...
Read this story and then put the forms of the verb être in the chart below. This verb means "to be" in French and is very common so it is one we defintely need to learn well. Again, words that you do not know will be marked and will be in English below the story.

Je m'appelle Maryse Koly. Je suis d'Abidjan en Côte d'Ivoire. Je suis grande et mince. Je ne suis pas forte mais je ne suis pas faible ºnon plus. Je suis mince. Mon père est grand et gros mais aussi très fort. Mon père et moi, nous sommes ºtous les deux grands. Nous sommes aussi tous les deux intelligents. Ma mère est jolie et un peu timide. Elle est forte. Comment êtes-vous dans ºvotre famille?

ºnon plus, either; ºtous les deux, both of us; ºvotre,your

Fill in the chart with the correct form of the verb for each person. Find the forms in the texte above.

être = to be
je nous
tu vous



Etre is another irregular verb in French. Take some time now to practice the irregular verbs we've learned so far.



Compose a recording talking about yourself. Describe yourself using je suis and at least three of your new vocabulary words. Hand in this assignment at Speaking 1a.

This assignment is worth 8 points.

Unit Vocabulary

All the vocabulary in this unit relates to the general theme of talking about the colors and describing things and people. Click on the two links below to see and hear all of the vocabulary and sentences you will learn here. As you go through the unit, return to this from time to time to practice this vocabulary.

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