French I, Semester I; Les Couleurs

Introduction  |   Section 1  |  Section 2  |   Section 3   |  Dictionaries

  Section One:

Part A  |   Part B  |  Part C  |   Part D  |   Part E |   Part F

Section One - Part C

Graded AssignmentWriting Assignment

Write a short paragraph in French using vocabulary you have learned in this course to talk about people you know. Identify who they are (garçon/fille/monsieur/jeune femme/professeur , etc.) and say at least one thing about them in describing them. You can also write about yourself. Write at least 8 sentences. Turn in your assignment at Writing 1c.

This assignment is worth 20 points.

Writing Practice

La Lecture

Read the following passage and then answer the questions that follow. After you have answered the questions, click on the question to see if you answered it correctly.When you see words that you do not know yet, first try to guess at their meaning. Those that you do not know are translated for you beneath the paragraph.

Je suis Amadou Bayo. Je suis de la Côte d'Ivoire. Je suis un homme intelligent. J'aime être en Côte d'Ivoire parce que c'est un pays très beau. Ce n'est pas très grand mais il y aº beaucoup de jolies chosesº dans mon pays. J'aime aller à Yamassoukro voirº la basiliqueº. Aussi, j'aime aller aux belles plages nager et me reposer au soleilº. Ma famille et moi, nous sommes grands et minces. Mon ami, Greg, est des Etats-Unisº. Il parle très bien français et naturellementº, il parle anglais. Il est très intelligent. Moi aussiº je suis un homme intelligent et je travaille beaucoup.

ºil y a, there is; ºbeaucoup de choses,many things; ºvoir, to see; ºla basilique, the basilica; ºme reposer au soleil, rest in the sun; ºEstados Unidos, United States; ºnaturellement, naturally

Qui est Amadou Bayo?
Comment est-il?
Comment est son ami des Etats-Unis?
Qui est l'ami d'Amadou?

key conceptComment es-tu?really?

If you translate this question literally, you get "How are you?" But, do you remember how to say that in French? It's actually Comment vas-tu?

Comment es-tu? means "what are you like?" So, Comment es-tu?, Comment est-il ?, etc., asks what a person is like, asking for a description of them.



Go to Discussion 1c. Post a discussion about what you are like, responding to the question: Comment es-tu? Ask a classmate what he or she is like and respond to one of the postings.

This assignment is worth 8 points.

Before going on, be sure that you are comfortable with this vocabulary.  

key conceptUn homme fort

You may have noticed in the reading passage, Amadou said that he was un homme intelligent - "a smart man." Where is the adjective in French? Generally, it goes after the noun it is describing. So instead of "intelligent man", we say homme intelligent in French.

Look at the following examples. Click on the words if you do not remember the meanings.

un garçon timide
un monsieur fort
un professeur brun
une fille mince
une femme intelligente

There are a few exceptions to this. Some adjectives do come in front of the noun, as in English. Adjectives of quantity (un, une, beaucoup, numbers) come in front of the noun. We do not say ami un--we say un ami. Many of the short common adjectives (grand, gros, beau, petit) precede. There's an easy way to remember. The BAGS adjectives precede. What are BAGS adjectives?

Beauty beau/belle; joli/jolie
Age jeune; vieux/vieille; nouveau/nouvelle
Goodness gentil/gentille; mauvais/mauvaise; bon/bonne
Size gros/grosse; petit/petite; grand/grande; long/longue

In the paragraph, you saw il y a beaucoup de jolies choses dans mon pays. Did you wonder why jolies came before choses? Now you know!


practiceAu Travail!

Make the following constructions in French. Write this exercise in your notebook. When you've written the phrases, then click on each one to see if you are correct.

a fat man
a thin lady
a shy friend
a blond boy
a little girl

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