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Lesson 3.01: Adding Hyperlinks to Web Pages

  1. Open KompoZer and create a blank document.

  2. Type the following: This is my first link. Save the page as "linkfrom.htm" in the webdes1 >> samples folder.

  3. In KompoZer, select a new document. Type the following: This page is linked. Save the page as "linkto.htm" in the webdes1 >> samples folder.

  4. Open the linkfrom.htm page in KompoZer. Using your mouse, select the following two words in your sentence: first link. (Do not select the period at the end of the sentence.)

  5. Click on the Link icon on KompoZer's toolbar.

  6. The following dialog box will open. Notice that at the top of the dialog box below the words Link Text you will see the piece of text you selected.

    KompoZer links dialog box

  7. Click on the file folder to the right of the blank space following Link Location.

  8. Browse for and select the linkto.htm page in the samples folder. You will notice a blue line under the piece of text you selected on the linkfrom.htm page.

  9. Save your changes to the linkfrom.htm page.

  10. Choose File >> Browse Page.

  11. Click on the link. The link should take you to the linkto.htm page.

  1. Using the linkedfrom.htm page you just created in KompoZer, Click at the end of the sentence and press the Enter key.

  2. Type the following sentence: "One of the search engines discussed in Unit 1 was Bing".

  3. Select the word "Bing" with your mouse. Remember not to select the period at the end of the sentence.

  4. Click the Link icon on the KompoZer toolbar.

  5. Notice the dialog box has a blank space below Link Location. Type the web address for Bing (

  6. Resave the page. Choose File >> Browse Page. Click on the link for Bing. The Bing search engine web page should open. If it does not open, check for any typographical errors you may have made in the KompoZer's link dialog box.

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