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Lesson 3.01: Adding Hyperlinks to Web Pages

A hyperlink is a word, phrase, or image on a web page that can be clicked in order to go to a new document, a new section within the current document, or to an e-mail address. Without hyperlinks, a web page would be static, similar to a word processing document. Hyperlinks allow the user to move from web page to web page and from website to website with just a click of the mouse. There are two basic types of links: internal and external.

  • An internal hyperlink is used to link a website together. websites normally have a home page. From that home page, there should be a hyperlink to other pages within the site. A method of getting back to the home page from other pages also should be developed. A good web designer plans the navigation structure (or how to get from web page to web page within the site) before beginning to build the website.

  • External hyperlinks are those that link to another website or that allow another website to link to your website.

To learn more about internal and external hyperlinks, read the article from W3C titled HTML links - lets build a web. The article discusses both types of links and also describes how to create links using HTML. KompoZer makes the task of linking from one web page to another and linking to other websites a simple one. In the Try It section of this lesson, you will learn how to follow the steps to complete both processes.


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