Download and complete 6.05 Point of View.
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Did you find that the form of punishment for Peyton Farquhar was too harsh?
- Read about the pros and cons of the death penalty.
- Next, decide if you believe Farquhar is guilty or innocent of his alleged behavior.
- Then, write a three-paragraph persuasive essay for either the defense or the prosecution.
- Read the 6.05 Closing Arguments Rubric for additional information.
Download 6.05 Closing Arguments and write your essay on this document.
Will you take the side of the defense? If so, you should provide arguments for the innocence of the defendant, Farquhar. You must define arguments in opposition to the initial charge against the defendant (why was he really on the bridge). You will also predict arguments the prosecution might use against the defendant.
Will you take the side of the prosecution? If so, you should provide arguments against the defendant. You must define the arguments that form the basis of the charge (Farquhar was destroying government property).
Guidelines for your essay:
- Attention Grabber - In the introductory paragraph, include some kind of hook to grab the attention of your readers. This could be an anecdote, relevant quotation, startling statistic, or question addressed to the reader.
- Position Statement - You should include a strong and a clear statement acknowledging your position on the topic.
- Support for your Position - Include three or more pieces of evidence (facts, statistics, examples, real-life experiences, textual evidence) that support the position statement. Anticipate the reader's concern, biases, or arguments and provide at least one counter argument.
- Conclusion - Sum up your findings and conclude.
When you have proofed your work, submit your essay to 6.05 Farquhar's Innocence Discussion to let your peers decide if you have written your case thoroughly and to decide if Farquhar is innocent or guilty. You will also read your classmates' essays.
- Respond to each of them with a reply of Guilty or Innocent.
- Add one to two more sentences about what specifically persuaded you to come to this verdict.