

Advertising is a tool to get people to do something whether it is buying a specific cereal or listening to a particular musician. You see all types of advertisements as you are driving a car or surfing the web. Think about the websites you visit. On most sites, about thirty-three percent of the page you are viewing is devoted to advertising. It's not a coincidence either that the Web ads you see for products match your interests. That's called targeted advertising because it customizes the ads you see based on your search history.

There are many types of advertising.


Emotional Appeals

Writers and advertisers alike toy with your emotions in an effort to make you agree with them. Advertisers use emotional appeal to make the reader connect with the writer's message through an important feeling.

There are three appeals based on Aristotle's research that are used to persuade a reader or audience.

1. Ethos originates from the Greek word for character. Ethos relies on credibility and character. The writer appeals to the reader's sense of fairness and relies on statements that refer to fairness, morals, values, and ethics. The English words ethical and ethics derive from this term.

2. Logos originates from the Greek word reason. An advertisement using logos would be centered on logic or reason; ideas are presented to the audience in ways that would be considered reasonable and convincing based on statistics or evidence. The English word logic derives from this term.

3. Pathos originates from the Greek word for emotion. The goal is to use language and imagery that provoke an emotional response to the audience. The emotional response can be either positive or negative. The English words pathetic and empathy derive from this term.

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