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Common Techniques

Writers for ads have common techniques that they use to convince individuals to buy or do something. Some of these may overlap with characteristics and emotional appeals.

  1. Association

    Answer: association: Using images, like the American flag or a popular cartoon character, in hopes that you’ll transfer your good feelings about the image to the product.

    American flag in a pair of jeans pocket. The ad reads buy Jane's Jeans. 100% American made.
  2. Plain folks

    Answer: Plain folks: Suggesting that the product is a practical product of good value for ordinary people.

    A mom holds her baby. The ad reads Try Gentle Toothpaste. It's for ALL ages.
  3. Bandwagon

    Answer: Bandwagon: Suggesting that you should join the crowd or be on the winning side by using the product because you don’t want to be the only one who doesn’t.

    sports products. the ad reads All the athletes buy their gear at Athletes R Us. If you want to be on the winning team, you better hurry on over to Athletes R Us today!
  4. Hype

    Answer: Hype: Writing words such as amazing and incredible make products seem really exciting.

    A girl is blowing a big bubble. The ad reads If you want to blow the biggest and the best bubbles, then buy Bubble Bubble Gum. You will be amazed at the results.
  5. Bribery

    Answer: Bribery: Offering you something “extra” in return if you buy the product.

    4 dogs with their dog food. The ad reads Hungry dogs like Zippy Dog Food. Make your dog a Zippy dog. Purchase a 100lb of dog food and get a bandana free.
  6. Must-Have

    Answer: Must-Have: Suggesting that you must have the product to be happy, content, or popular.

    Mom, Dad, and daughter with sunglasses. The ad reads If you want to have a happy and carefree family, buy Sun Sunglasses! A family that sees well together stays well together.
  7. Fear

    Answer: Fear: Using a product to solve something you worry about like bad breath.

    A guy covers his nose. The ad reads Don’t get caught smelling badly! Use Celebrant Deodorant.
  8. Repetition

    Answer: Repetition: Repeating a message or idea so you will remember it.

    A heart shape pizza. The ad reads Our pizza is made with love. You’ll love the homegrown tomatoes that go into our sauce. If you don’t love our pizza, we will refund 100% your money. Love’s Pizza. It’s what you’ll love for dinner!
  9. Endorsements

    Answer: Endorsements: Using celebrities to advertise products make you want to have the same thing.

    Justin Timberlake in a suit. The ad reads Hey, Justin Timberlake here. If you want to look like royalty, buy your suits at Suit King.
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