
Task #1

Open 3.04 Point of View. Write three different narratives from the perspective of three different points of view. The characters in your story should engage in dialogue that is properly punctuated and adds to the story. You may choose the same character to write about in your three different stories; however, your point of view will change in each..

When you have proofed your work, submit it to the 3.04 Point of View Dropbox.

View the rubric for additional information.


Review the rubric for additional information.

Journal Prompt:

  • Have you ever read a book or article written from the point of view of a plant or animal? What was your reaction?
  • How was the effect different from what it would have been if the perspective were that of a human character?
  • If your pet or the pet of someone you know well were to write a journal, what kinds of things might be included?
  • What might an animal "comment on" that might not be noticed by humans?
  • How might an animal understand everyday objects or events from the human world?

Select an animal and write a journal entry from the animal's point of view, without specifically mentioning what kind of animal is "writing" the entry.

When you are finished, submit your entry to the 3.04 Journal Discussion to see if your classmates can guess what type of animal wrote the entry. Then, respond to one or two other classmates to post your guess.

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