
Task #1

Open 1.03 Author's Voice. To complete this assignment:

  • Read the article "Do School Libraries Still Need Books?" from Scholastic Junior.
  • Then, analyze the author's voice by describing the voice used and providing examples from the text.
  • Finally, rewrite sentences in the active voice.

When you have finished your work, submit to the 1.03 Author's Voice Dropbox.

If the article link above doesn't work, follow these steps for retrieving the article from AVL:

  1. Go to the Alabama Virtual Library (AVL) High School Resources.
  2. Scroll down and select the Gale PowerSearch database.
  3. Copy the title "Do school libraries still need printed books?" and paste it into the Gale PowerSearch search box. (Include the quotation marks in your search.)
  4. Click on the article from the list of search results and read it. Use the following information to make sure you have the correct article:
    • The article was published in the Scholastic Junior magazine (Vol. 113, Issue 10) on Feb. 7, 2011.
    • The full title is: "Do school libraries still need printed books? In an era of Internet research and e-books, some educators question the need for printed collections"



Complete the prompt below using the SEEPS The SEEPS strategy is:
1) write a STATEMENT introducing your topic;
3) make an ELABORATION about the topic; add a PERSONAL TIDBIT (Specific Detail) to make it more interesting; and
4) provide a SO... STATEMENT concluding your thoughts.
strategy. You may write one paragraph or one page. Review the rubric for additional information.

Journal Prompt:

Look at the pictures below. Choose one and write a descriptive entry about this place.

A country lane in the fall.   A city skyline.   A remote beach.   A snow-covered slope.

When you finish, submit your journal to the 1.03 Journal Dropbox.


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