
"Voice is not just the result of a single sentence or paragraph or page. It's not even the sum total of a whole story. It's all your work laid out across the table like the bones and fossils of an unidentified carcass."

 - Chuck Wendig

Decorative image.

Voice isn't something that you can just learn over night; rather, it is a person's own writing style. All writers have a distinct personality with their own opinions. The words that writers choose become their personality. Writers who have a strong voice capture the reader's attention with the details that they use because they have a clear purpose. Word choices, punctuation, and style all help strengthen a writer's voice.


Lesson Objectives

Following successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to...

  • identify examples of strong voice in different genres of writing,
  • add voice to writing,
  • differentiate between active and passive voice,
  • write in active voice.

The above objectives correspond with the Creative Writing Course Standards: 2, 13.

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