German 2, Semester I; Der Körper

Introduction  |   Section 1  |  Section 2  |   Section 3   |  Dictionaries

  Section One:

Part A  |   Part B  |  Part C  |   Part D 

Section One - Part C

Vocabulary PracticeYou should have practiced the vocabulary many times so that by now you are becoming familiar with what the words mean in German. If you have not, please do go back to Section 1, Part A and do that before you go on.

In order to develop your skills in a second language to the fullest, you need lots of listening practice. If you are not taking advantage of the many resources available to us, you really should be. Here are a few ideas.

  • German language TV
  • German language music
  • Internet radio in German
  • Internet online newspapers from German speaking countries (many have video presentations that will have listening practice on them)

As you progress in German, you will want to be able to quickly understand what people are saying to you. One way to ensure this can happen is to give yourself as much listening practice as you can find. Ask your teacher for additional suggestions or specific resources.

View Presentation Was machst du mit welchem Körperteil?
Schau dir die Präsentation an und sieh, was man mit welchem Körperteil macht. (Watch this presentation to see what we do with the different parts of our body.)

Writing Practice  Schreibübung
Practice here writing sentences saying what you do with the different parts of your body. Click on the body part to see if you are right.



Speaking AssignmentSprechübung
Bereite eine Sprechübung vor. Beschreibe vier Körperteile. Zum Beispiel: Ich habe einen grossen Mund. Das ergibt 12 Punkte.

Key Concept Schau dir diese neuen Satzbeispiele an. (Look at the sentences below to see a new structure.)

Ich schreibe meiner Grossmutter eine Karte. Ich schreibe ihr eine Karte.
Ich gebe meinem Vater ein Geschenk. Ich gebe ihm ein Geschenk.
Ich helfe meinen Schülern mit dem Aufsatz. Ich helfe ihnen mit dem Aufsatz.

Do you know what "meiner Grossmutter" "meinem Vater" and "meinen Schüern" are? These are called indirect objects. Like the direct objects that we focused on in Unit 3, these also have pronouns that can replace them. You see in the second column that the indirect object nouns have been replaced by indirect object pronouns.

The wonderful news is that some of these these indirect object pronouns are exactly the same pronouns as the direct object pronouns. Do you remember those? Here are all of the pronouns.

Du hilfst mir. Du hilfst uns.
Ich helfe dir. Ich helfe euch.
Ich helfe ihm. Du hilfst ihnen.

Do you remember how to pick out the indirect object in a sentence? The indirect object will answer the question "to whom?" or "for whom?" (Remember that the direct objects will answer the questions, "who?" or "what?")


Writing PracticeChange the indirect objects in the following sentences to use the pronouns. Click on the original sentence to see the correct response when you have finished.

Ich gebe meinem Freund ein Videospiel.
Ich mache meiner Mutter ein Geschenk.
Mein Freund hilft meiner Schwester mit den Hausaufgaben.
Unsere Lehrerin schenkt meiner Freundin und mir Eintrittskarten für das Musical.
Meine Freundin schreibt ihren Großeltern einen Brief.
Wir danken deinem Bruder und dir.
Wir schenken einem Mädchen Blumen.


Now go on to Part D.

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