German 2, Semester I; Der Körper

Introduction  |   Section 1  |  Section 2  |   Section 3   |  Dictionaries

  Section Three:

Part A |   Part B  |  Part C  |   Part D

Section Three, Part A

Key ConceptsStarke Verben
Now we are going to work a little more in detail with the strong verbs. See if you can identify the infinitve (base form) for each past participle by reading the present tense sentence and then the Perfekt tense one.
Ich bin in der Schule. Ich bin in der Schule gewesen.
Ich schlafe viel. Ich habe viel geschlafen.
Ich nehme Medizin. Ich habe Medizin genommen.
Sie sehen einen deutschen Film. Sie haben einen Film gesehen.
Ihr sprecht mit dem Kind. Ihr habt mit dem Kind gesprochen.
Du trinkst gern Kaffee. Du hast gern Kaffee getrunken.

You probably are going to ask: "Why does the verb "sein" use "sein" as its helping verb and not "haben"? I thought the "sein"-verbs had to show "change of location or condition," and "to be" certainly does not fit that criterion." You're right, of course, and that brings us to another one of those "details" we hinted at earlier. There are two "sein"-verbs that do not fit that criterion. They are "sein (ist gewesen)" and "bleiben (ist geblieben)," Be sure to make a note of them in your list of participles.

Writing PracticeSchreibübung
Make an original sentence in the past tense (das Perfekt) with the following cues. Click on the picture to see a possible response.

Ich Headache
Sie (fem. sg.)
Sie (pl.)


Writing PracticeSchreibaufgabe
Now, read the sentence that tells you where you were yesterday. Write a sentence saying what you did in that place.

Du bist in der Bibliothek gewesen.
Du bist in der Arztpraxis gewesen.
Du bist im Kino gewesen.
Du bist im Kaffeehaus gewesen.
Du bist in der Kirche gewesen.
Du bist im Bett gewesen.


Das Projekt
Your project for this unit is to do research on one of the following writers/artists:

You may use the links above as a starting point, but be sure to use a search engine to get additional information. Include any information that you find interesting. Your project will have three deadlines.
  • Turn in your topic idea to your teacher (5 points)
  • Turn in your rough draft to your teacher (5 points)
  • Turn in the final project (22 points)

The rough draft is due now. Das ergibt 5 Punkte.

A wonderful way to study vocabulary is to practice it in several ways. Use these vocabulary flashcards to practice the vocabulary from Unit 4.

Go to Part B.

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