German 2, Semester I; Der Körper

Introduction  |   Section 1  |  Section 2  |   Section 3   |  Dictionaries

  Section Three:

Part A |   Part B  |  Part C  |   Part D

Section Three: Part B

Eisenach, Thuringia Eisenach was founded in 1067 and was mentioned in a public record for the first time in 1180. In 1211, Duchess Elisabeth founded a hospital to serve citizens of need in the region. More than 450 years later, Eisenach became the birthplace of the famous composer Johann Sebastian Bach. In 1896, the Dixi Company built an automobile production plant, one of the first in Europe. The plant was sold to BMW in 1928. In 1952, a socialist plant began manufacturing the famous East German car "Wartburg". Since 1991, Eisenach is again the production site of the more pricy and luxurious BMW.

Above you see a picture of "Frau Sunna," who chases away Old Man Winter in one of Germany's largest spring festivals. The festival is held every year in Eisenach, three weeks before Easter.

Writing Practice Was hast du ihnen geschenkt?
Let's practice more using indirect object pronouns. Say what you gave the following people for their birthday last year. Click on the name of the person to see a possible response.

deinem Bruder
meinen Eltern
deinem Freund
deinen Schwestern
deinen Großeltern
deiner Freundin
deinem Hund
deiner Nachbarin
deiner Mutter


Essen in Thüringen

German Cheese

Dishes in Thüringen are earthy and simple, with such delicacies as "Speckpflaumen mit Pflaumensauce" (plums in bacon with plumsauce), "Balsamicozwiebeln" (onions in balsamic dressing), or "Hühner in Ingwermarinade" (chicken in ginger marinade). Believe it or not, some of these mouthwatering dishes have their origins in the late middle ages. With these earthy dishes, people prefer to drink the famous "Schwarzbier," a very dark and heavy type of beer.

Das Projekt
Your project for this unit is to do research on one of the following writers/artists:

You may use the links above as a starting point, but be sure to use a search engine to get additional information. Include any information that you find interesting. Your project will have three deadlines.
  • Turn in your topic idea to your teacher (5 points)
  • Turn in your rough draft to your teacher (5 points)
  • Turn in the final project (22 points)

The final project is due now. Das ergibt 22 Punkte.

Go on to Part C.

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