Confederate and Union Generals

Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson

Southern commanders were seen as a strength of the Confederacy at the outset of war. Seven out of the eight military institutions rested in the South, and there were more Northern born Confederate generals, than Southern born Union ones. The two Confederate iconic leaders were none other than General Robert E. Lee and General Stonewall Jackson. They both served in the Eastern Theatre, primarily in Virginia and General Stonewall Jackson was killed at Chancellorsville. In the Western Theatre, however, Southern generals proved no match for General Grant and General Sherman. General Grant would take over the entire Union forces before the war ended and General Sherman would make himself a hated man with his "total war" tactics in the South.

As you read through the sections of this lesson, complete 11.08 Civil War Crossword. You will turn it in at the end of the lesson.

Web Reading
To learn more about these generals, read "Of Generals and Soldiers."

Union Generals Ulysses S. Grant and William Sherman

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